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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Thats true, you are almost allways exposed from some angles but that does not change anything regarding this exploit between players, that is always issue in any pvp game from any viewpoint(being exposed). Sure you can adapt to everything to an extent but doesnt make it right.. The player C can be using this exploit also and B watching A cant know it even if tries to pay attention. D can be watching C yada yada... Problem is the information that exploiting player get before actual encounter, there is no actual biger picture with this its just between 2 players, which is non existant encounter if exploiting player wants to kill, victim has no actual change. When you even 2 players playground in encounter you can start thinking about the 3th and 4th.. actually you cant, then you would be messing with team play. Game need to have 2 player encounter even, then players can developt the rest with their thinking, wether its tactics, groups etc. Its is not as explained many times, the advantage is gained immediately when you spot someone now you can move so he cant keep track of you or see you at all if he hasnt spotted you. Without exploit you would have to expose yourself multiple times to keep track of him. Also ambushing is just too easy with this exploit its like wallhack when you can shoot just before guy comes around a corner and come on top or move around without him knowing your movement, while you can maintain constant visual with your drone view and slay him. Thats just invisiple periscope, in rl you can see the periscope.. And this is just rediculous, there is nothing same. In 1st person scenario both players have same risk(even playgound), without not having visual the opponent can be behind every corner for both players. With the exploit one using it has the upper hand and person who gains it first (in case players knowing each others presense) is going to come out top if not total idiot. Exploiting player can keep you from getting visual while maintainning his. I dont understand how you can make this even on even basic level? And with exploit you can end the opponents life before he can actually start using exploit too, if you gained it before him. Thats is all good in 1st person, he really did play smarter and predicted my movement without visual. You cannot compare that to actually knowing someones movements and acting acordingly... to predicting and using tactics. Why do you think police and military have specialized gear to achieve this what you can achieve with 3th person, to gain advantage and keep it. Only in rl these can be spotted, like drones and cameras... in this game, you cant. How would your gameplay suffer if this is fixed properly? You woudnt able to keep track of people without them knowing you do so and kill them? what is wallhack used for? Almost the same thing with slight variation of execution.
  2. This is not true, thats talk from someone who enjoys using this drone view to gain upper hand. The problem is that the other partys has no change what so ever to see opposing player while he is fully aware of ones movement. Saying there is extremely few these kinds of locations is just absurd, you only need a 2 foot wall to laydown behind etc to do this. If grass would be rendered properly you could lay middle of field 3th personing and see everything while other could see only tall grass... Lets take exsample of player A entering town, B stands behind the wall or around a corner(or what ever) and can see hes advance the whole time, while player A doesnt have a clue that one is there. If there would be this fix, the player B would have the same change of seeing him when the A has to expose him self for to get LOS. If one argues this being even playgound is delusional and biased. I would prefer 3th person, only because I feel its more fun to see your character. But I hate when you can use this "exploit" to your advantage so easyly. I play now only on hc server because there its even playgound, on this part. While I hate playing 1st person because low framerates and suchs. One can always try argue all kinds of playstyle stuff from positioning or stealthiness but it really dont belong to this discussion when the design is flawed. Its all out of the window when opposing player doesnt know anothers existence before he sees the dead screen. If this happens in hc server you know you just missed him from the scene.. with 3th person you can wait for opportunity of victim turning away from you, come around the corner etc etc. Points about positioning etc only matter when both know the layout of the zone, and knows each others last location.. otherwise you cannot position your self for someone...
  3. Someone rants in alpha. ALPHA! Someone rants in beta. BETA!! Someone rants after release. mm, I think we can up with something..
  4. That is true, I know "jack shit about hacking". But i know something, true forums are where the most recent and undetectable hacks are but thats not the main place these regular hacker kids get theirs, that we see in many games, in the mod and now in dayz. Thast just googling and youtubing those outdates hacks with all kinds of shit with them. Mod/arma2 dayz thats one way people got their keys stolen. I agree in the end, the most effective way atm may be the wave banning. But if there is no instaban thats flawed concept also. And I doubt there is, as as long as I have been around the only talk has been about wave bans regarding BE (we have BE guy here, can you confirm the instabans?) And far as I know VAC doesnt do it neighter. So this leaves week of free hacking even with old ones and one just need a new key, after hacks is detectable it takes week to get new build of that as they have to wait for the ban wave. This is where the instabanning comes flawed, as they can verify their hacks detectability faster. But also Antihacks can get to it faster, so... This process might be costly to the hacking party as they loose few keys while verifying the hacks undetectability, in both cases. Doesnt matter the system its going in circles untill hackers have used all the loopholes to hack through, and that may be achieved faster through instabanning. Also developers get info about the game structure faster where to patch it. Also there might be "stupid" ideas. That may be because of ignorance or such but same goes with answers I dont know which is worse, ignorant idea or arrogant and hostile reply. With only wave banning, see above. Week of free hacking. But if there really is instaban for older hack builds, its all good. If not.. its bad. ps. Haven countered hacker neighter.
  5. Instabanning is not retarted... 95% of the hackers are just kiddies that arent part of some hacking community to spread the word and those guys who are will be altering the hacks more often and at some point they will run out of loopholes in the game to hack through. And if we keep banning in waves, what good is to ban hackers if the hackeres are back in few minutes with new account just to keep going fullretarted for few days to repeat. Sure some of the regular skript kiddies will be turned away by this too, but as many as with instaban. Maybe instaban older hacks and wave ban newer "builds".. in any case, it really doesnt matter. They should just not ban any hackers and fix the holes they hack through so there is no reason to ban at all. But Im happy they are doing the banning, doesnt matter really when. ps. Its not necessary to post in such hostile tone, doesnt make your opinnion any more right or wrong telling another ones being "retarted", just "brainstorming" here. No idea is retarted, nor enyone should unplug anything. Unless your part of the hacking community and have inside on valve, be working order your opinnion is good as any
  6. Its true that insta bannin would counter hackers better to an extent. Hacker gets banned and wont be hacking immediately again, as the hack he uses is detectable. Hack needs to be modified again, and no general thumb sucking hacker can do this. Wave bans allow hackers to hack almost nonstop for the time between waves.
  7. Zeppa

    Yesus the hacker

    I think the point people are trying to make here that point of this thread is just to "scare people", not necessary intentional but that it what it does, raises unnecessary suspisions and paranoia towards simple and nice question that is thrown around in online world every second. And when we say this has absolutely nothing to with supporting hacking etc, just saying that its not big deal in anyway. Why does it make someone who got hacks ingame more harmfull than avarage person to ask these questions?? Every joker could get some hacks in his hands on hacks if he knows how to start browser and use google. Point is there is no reason, what so ever to always expect connection between these things in the game world. Hacking Asking questions Stealing identity or other info When you get email from your "bank" asking your account info etc, thats when it gets malicious and everyone should have alarms ringing. Problem is there is always people to fall for these and that doesnt make it any more serious problem/issue, if some poeple are ignorant or just stupid. No regular person will fall for this sht.
  8. Zeppa

    Yesus the hacker

    One cant do sht if he knows where you are from... thats a joke. Would need alot of info to gain access to any account of yours through some recovery procedure. Also if person is stupid enough to give something that he can really use... Im from finland, now someone try to hack my steam account, not gonna happen. Not even if he knows my email, steam account name... Also stolen steam key is useless as you cant reuse it, you would need to hack the whole account and use it. Hackers got their key from people who were stupid enough to download "hacks" or other malicious software... "fps boosters" "key gens" etc which then check windows registry and copy the key. Thats why you dont download and install shit that you dont know well..
  9. Zeppa

    Who did we just wipe at NEAF?

    Im disapointed that none posted this yet...
  10. Zeppa

    Crossbow being effective

    Oh my god... this thread. People dont understand that this is alpha, that crossbow demo has values just thrown in and not tweaked, missing animations etc. Making idiotic assumptions based unfinished things. And debating about bows firepower loading times and all between without actual knowledge... it just hilarious. Doesnt need much knowledge to browse through youtube to get an idea what these things are capable of. And less Daryl, what? People need to stop watching TWD if crossbow with accessories is immediately epic Daryl or something. Get some grip people.
  11. Zeppa

    Stand alone attachment system = COD

    I think the alpha comments fits too well for this. There is not so much weapons and variety, atm variety is increased with attachments, Its easy to config later what and where. Simple, nothing else. Lets come back to this when the game is released. ps. Its Standalone.
  12. I havent, but also bohemias previous games are quite different from this and directed to "certain group" that maybe there has just not been need for it?
  13. I woudnt go killing characters that dont play, just remove those rare items and prompt the user about it so he doesnt get all fkd up why its gone. Infact all items could be removed after different amounts of time, fairly common items longer time than those that are rare. Not everyone can play even weekly, and long lived character may have other value in the future(skills etc etc) so killing that character because of item is just not an option. The ping issue is easy to arrange through server/hive combinations and locations. Servers wont be full of players all the time, queue arrangement.. also I think no one need to go after item X in that second that cant queue or come back later. But this offline inventory rare items issue is difficult, maybe hive could monitor this behaviour and have an exception to provide the world with a new part. But again you CANT know that certain people has last/only item of sort OR that those items are not spawned for other reasons.
  14. Fact is that WE wont know the EXACT system and mechanic that is implemented. So you will never know if the item is in the next house or someones base. Even if someone writes here that he have 5 of those. We need to think this as concept not the imagined number we throw around here, those are merely just to give an example. Missing tents, thats why I threw the idea of having multible maps. You can pick a map, then pick a random server or join a friend etc. This would counter the same landscape/base issue and bring more to explore. Then people will compain about not having realistic travel like with boat, plane etc etc, you cant have all as said before. One system wont work alone, that why this loot system would need other mechanics to support it. Agains platant serverhopping, hoarding etc. Its all about configuration, so think it as concept. Not so how many of what and where and when. Everything is configurable. How many containers can you place to your base, how many containers you can get hold of in the first place, how many items container hold, how many items spawn, how long they last (food) etc etc... everything affect everything.
  15. Zeppa

    About persistent objects and immersion

    Just make items have log that record few last persons that interacted with it last. This helps with groups. Dead person is removed from that when he dies, until he interacts it with again in his new life. Same with vehicles. If dead person is only in the log item is respawned somwhere or removed if its something that cant be spawned in immediately like rare high value stuff. Item that hasnt been touched for x days gets despawned. None can pefrect this system, but there is good compromise somewhere between realism and gameplay.. Also persons death could start rng on items he has interacted last to be despawned. Everything just cant be deleted/moved, then groups and their bases are screwd. Also you body and items cant be straight lootable for you..
  16. Zeppa

    About persistent objects and immersion

    What if the persistent object will be persistent as you are. Once you are out, so is your backpack. That may be the ammobox, safetybox what ever. edit: Lets rephrase that, what if the items you interacted last are tied to your existence. Not so the persistent items, but the stuff inside them.
  17. Zeppa

    Reloading etc

    Congratulations for making such a original line. If your going to troll, put more efford in to it.
  18. Zeppa

    Any Windows 8 users.

    8.1 here, no problems with any game. Except some really old ones from the 90's for obvious reasons.. There is no performance gain over win7..
  19. Key word there is the "centralized". When the loot system will be final, it most likely is from the HIVE point of view. So hive determines how many of each helicopter part are spawned and where, after that designated server have change of spawning these parts. Not so that every server has 100% change of having loot X. So there might be 1 pair of NVGs spawning on whole server group and after that server has % change of spawning said item so you are not guarenteed to get anything from "server hopping" so really doesnt matter. Sure you will come across one if you keep hopping and hopping but then there can be other measures to counter that so you cant server hop as its done now, one location that is. So its much harder to find item through server hopping and there is only limited number of item x, so if people already have them your hopping is pointless. Could be problematic for casual items as food, time will tell how its done. Ps. This is why I believe base building won't work. You cannot implement base building without locking characters to a server Also there has been talk (rezzed interview if I remember right) about zones that you cannot spawn in to, IE someones base, fortified house etc
  20. Im not really sure what people are debating anymore. Is it that the time is too short Is it that you cant loot your coprse? Or borth? In any case permadeath(feeling of it) does not exist if you gear from your own corpse, same with anything persistent you can store your gear. I dont feel exitement from combating if I can just run few minutes to gear back again from certain spot, this was even more problem in the mod when you had tents full of gear. What does make dayz more intense than wasteland etc mods for arma?
  21. I have also understood that this game doesnt utilize multible cores well, so it doesnt really matter if its good quad or 150 cores.. Even fast dualcores may perform as good as any, one could think.
  22. lol, it wasnt ment to be taken literally. It was just to poke the OP in his deathmatch frustration. I agree, corpses should be permanent and lootable. But you should not be able to loot your own body... that just compromise in this "perma non perma death" scenario. The problem is you know where the kitted out corple lays... if you woudnt know there woudnt be no problem for you looting it if you find it as it could be anyone. Your killer should always have time to loot it. 10 minute despawn timer etc is not right neighter, gun fight lasts many times longer than that if there is groups fighting.
  23. You server hop for gear, go kill everyone... thats what I picked from your OP. Now you are bored to hop for the gear and just want custom loadout. Yes that is basically what you are saying when you want to go loot that corpse of yours laying on the beach after you suicide few times to get close to it. What a bummer if your killer hid it or looted your gear... OP proved, working as intented. QQ
  24. Zeppa

    I the game doing it on purpose?

    Not sure if sarcasm or what. Maybe I just dont catch on, but anyway... Its different thing if you communicate outside of a game... Just put yourself in role of this "RP nut" and hear dead people telling you stuff about... stuff you can use in your life. Character is not telephatic that can magically communicate across the chernarus without "cheating" through your another level of existance, thats RL. Who want to think it as cheating is techically right, but its how it is today and doesnt really matter. Precisely, in your book.... we will never know what the real zombie apocalypse will bring, will we? Is there more friendlies than bandits, killers what ever, your gues is good as mine. I find it amusing that you find peoples debating more amusing than your own, yet they are no more wrong or right than you are.
  25. Zeppa

    I the game doing it on purpose?

    True, but it woudnt make it pointless mechanic. As middle ground I was refering to mechanic that would serve single player and groups at some extent, everyone knows that this really is issue what cannot be just "fixed" as the "perma death" is what it is, compared to the generic respawn with loadout. Term might be used wrongly but that is just common in the internez. If the other group members really want to go through the hustle at the camp to interract everything the dead person has touched be my quest, doesnt affect the whole concept of the system. People cant keep track what everyone has touched last and they wont, specially with larger groups/camps. And many times groups move togethe, if they all die in a gun fight the camp is gone. Its about configuration how it would work. If the game seeks authenticity/realism it wont mean it literally, as everyone realizes that its not possible in game world. If mechanics are made they dont have to be exact, everything that simulates and moves features somewhat closer to possible realism/authenticity is fine. If its not comparable to RL doesnt make it useless. What comes to all metagaming, I agree its "cheating" but unavoidable and has to be lived with and Im ok with that.