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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    DayZ Mod Update

    You must be playing on empty or almost empty server if can do that(move slowly), its suicide to crawl around NWAF... you will be sniped in seconds..
  2. Zeppa

    DayZ Mod Update

    And some people seems to forget that this aint no TWD... Check 28 dayz later for reference.
  3. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Also I hope the spawn system introduced in the video wont place stuff in stupid places... on the tables and shelves its all good but I find it little weird if you find can of beans from a open fireplace...
  4. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I dont think it would break immersion.. IMO its not necessary to have all animations and shit for openin one fridge door... simple inventory menu would do fine... at least for a place holder, if there has to be opening door animations etc those could be added later..
  5. Zeppa

    DayZ Mod Update

    How about this? Dont go to the open field. That had also no place in this game, as some say about the as50. At least as50 doesnt light you up like a christmas tree when you run 10km away.
  6. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Looks awesome! Thing that Im worried about is that the brightness seem to fluctuate annoyingly when you are looking in certain direction etc... same as it does in arma2 now, thats really annoying.
  7. Zeppa

    I learned how to fly a heli

    Agreed, there is also a tutorial in arma that you can fly how every you like... and its way too easy anyway in these games. Also the autohover in arma is stupid feature.
  8. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    But now you are shooting little people...
  9. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    no no.. Who you gonna call!? And going to sleep now.
  10. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    OMG OMGOMG ZOMBIE CHILDREN blood and everything I have to call someone.... you cant do that, its WRONG!... what? Well, time to start bitching!
  11. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    You dont have to shoot anything if you dont want to :D
  12. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Or it wont change at all, you still can you shoot and not loot... like alot cases are now. That the equipment and consumables are more rare makes the differend when you dont have 20 mags for DMR for camping at elektro hill. And the closequarters combat will be more rare as you wanna keep your unique character and equipment.
  13. Zeppa

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    It looks awesome, some pictures reminds me of fallout 2. Keep up the good work!
  14. I think you guys are exaggerating things here, few inches... really? This also can lead to warz syndrome = Over selling, under delivering.
  15. Thats like asking if you should get certain babysitter for your kids, when you present 2 people that seems good. Someone points out that another is pedophile and there is lots of info about it but you dont care because he has better CV(made up one) and has cheaper price? You said on certain points that things can be proven bullcr*p, so I assume that you mean things that float all around the topic. I dont care to start explaining what is and what not, when you can do the quick search for your self. If you are not willing to then fine, but you brought up that they can be proven "wrong" so you might wanna do that..
  16. Really felt like I had to respond. (wall of text) Really felt like I had to respond, neighter I have intention to offend you or anyone here, I just tryed to make a point why its not adviced to buy the game. Everyone has their own "merits" how they chose a game, I wont support game which have untrusted lying devs.. regardless how good the gameplay is. Just tryed to save your money, sorry. If its the gameplay that matters then, both games have flaws... arma has less, that should be clear even from the youtube videos. Well there are alot of things(what you consider "bullcr*p" and they are proven), whether its about the game it self or the devs behind it... those are provided mostly by the devs themselves through lying and changing their statements after wards. The engine statement comes mostly from reading, its used on the other game that is arena shooter called war inc, like the warz is... also the some of the evidence is in the warz also (world is scaled huge compared to the characters so that it would look bigger). Sure they can change the engine, but its gonna take time. They have said things all the way from the start, empty promises that very few have been filled. That is why its not going very far anymore. Yes "copycat team", which is this: http://warzemulator.com/ :D The devs doesnt deserve to be talked politely about, they have done it to themselves, its sad but its true... the main problem is people will continue swallowing the cr*p that they feed after they make some "apology". These are my opionnions based on the information and proof around the whole warz topic, feel free to think different.. just tought to let you know what kind of devs they are. If you are new to this debate around dayz/warz, then you should really read more.. more than just watch those gameplay videos to get the whole picture, feel free to prove the "bullcr*ap" false on the warz general discussion 2 thread, Im glad if you can and I will take back my words. Or if the devs will really make everything right, I will accept I was wrong. But in any case, if it is not necessary for you to know all the other shit that is around the game, but just the gameplay I can respect that, no further rant about the things around the game.
  17. Dont do it (buy warz)... Im gonna be straight. Warz devs arent going to fix anything, at least on the large scale. Devs have adressed alot of things, 99% is lies and crap talk. Even as a mod dayz is still 100 times better that warz. I dont see how you could have looked in to things and still consider buying the game? I have been follow the shitstorm from the start and seen it, like many others here. Im not talking as a dayz "fanboy" here and I really cant understand what "advantages" warz could have when its limited from the core(engine), speacially with the incompetent devs. There is somekind of copycat team that has started their own warz development, but If I have understood correctly Its closed from the "public", even they are doing better job than the founders of the game.. makes you think. Arma 2 is worth the 30usd even alone + lots and lots of mods for it... with warz you get buggy bad excuse for a game with asshole devs. But this aint really a place to discuss that, excuse me but Im trying to save someones money for something better. So I suggest you to do your research again.. not only gameplay videos.
  18. Zeppa

    Just saw Rocket again.

  19. Well it never gets so dark as its in arma2. That arma3 video is already 100 times better than what its in arma2, I hope the brightness doesnt change by the direction you are looking at. What is in that video could be cloudy night, and somewhat brighter when there is a moon light. That is the most annoying thing in present lighting system, it gets so stupidly dark when you just turn 90 decs... doesnt matter if you are in foreset or a field.
  20. Zeppa


    Or try to see if there is some task that "freezes" the pc, open task manager and check the cpu usage and ram usage, end task if something is way up. That sounds that it could really be something HW-related also if it totally freezes up. I would do bootable ram check, then boot to windows safemode with netconnection and run scans. With windows "resets", it doesnt affect user data, only system files. So exsample your documents will be untouched even if you roll back the system. If you format the drive then its all gone, but mostly recoverable if you do it fast and dont write on the drive too much. If you dont have anydata that you need then do the ram check, format the old drive and install fresh windows.
  21. Zeppa

    DayZ Development Twitter

    I agree... its useless to test with people that JUST want to play. Like most of us that are hyping and screaming it to be released... these are most likely the ones that wont bother to "notice" or register the possible bugs, but just play the game. Person that just want to play will most likely to come across most of the bugs that will matter most for the gaming experience but wont bother to do anything about it. Then the "testers" will most likely test "less" relevant stuff that could be fixed later that doesnt inflict the casual gameplay "so much".. I have not been part of game "testing" but cant avoid it at work... It could be good if they would test it with gamers that are now involved with the mod development, and other that have contributed the new content like good maps, modding etc within arma2. Also people from their own development that knows how the stuff works and people that really has time to play it..
  22. Really? I think all hunting rifles have much more range than that.
  23. About the "child models". It doesnt matter if its cats or dogs... men, women... there is always someone that could pull can of beans in their nose about it. Which makes me wonder, could there be wild cats/dogs to hunt to eat... something for PETA to start bitching about? It will never stop, always someone will cry no matter what. Just call them little men(not midgets) and make them looks like children, so only some male rights organisation could start hyperventilating about it. So now someone is violating mens rights when they say they are children, when they look like one? Please for love of god stop this bs, same goes with the recent or non recent shootings they have happened all around the world, not only in US and most likely something will happen again. You cant release shit never if you start thinking and waiting everyones mentality and how its WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG in many ways.. please, devs make it good... dont make its all fluffy and cuddly.
  24. That indeed is quite bad and old cpu for gaming.. If I would have to build new pc I would go intel. I havent looked about intel much as I have always been "amd guy" because the price. Its funny how intel quad-core run equal to amd fx 8-core. Personally Im running fairly old phenom II x4, which seems to perform ok still. Seems like you need buy whole new rig if you want to have it decent... as you have to buy new mobo/cpu, old RAM may not fit. Also the RAM is so cheap that its almost nobrainer not to buy new. Also PSU may not be enough when you upgrade your whole rig, specially GPU (not that hd 6450).