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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. @ DrGonzo That is right, thats why I rather buy it cheap at the beginning to see does it have the potential. Not when its 60€ full game and sucks... rather waste the 10-15€ or what ever. There is problem with this, if the development is warz level it money wasted for sure. But there is no sure way for gamer, you always have risk to buy shit as you cant test drive it for a while. But as said minecraft model beats the straight full price model always, as its the SAME with extra option to buy in to the alpha too. What comes to the arma3, I dont think it has anything to do whit dayz development or success...
  2. Thats interesting, answer to your own post with a meme... Just had to make post where you could barely use it? :D
  3. http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Simo_Häyhä http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosin-Nagant#Finland I think someone would disagree?
  4. Because it is, you can change the whole gaming experience without changing the looks, to me it seems that to you there is nothing done if its not total facelift... Same you could do with the car, you can do the paintjob and interior later but make the car handle totally different with chassis and engine modification... That doesnt mean there is less features, infact could be quite opposite... Also releasing without vehicles, almost only example that you throw around with this. Even if you remove the vehicles there is alot more content than the mod has, as they implement clothing, desieses, crafting, interiors etc etc... Game doesnt revolve around clitchy vehicles.. And again, you show lack of research, rocket have never talked about kickstarted model.. which have bought up to you many times. There is nothing wrong with making new animations as they have explained, you think people without military training (a avarage joe survivor) would go around rolling thru cities and building with military/police moves? Vaulting super slow over knee high fences, thats just exceptional arma2 anim... Animations brings some freshness to the game when released and more fluid gameplay.. Still you are fighting agains the "minecraft model", there is nothing away from you or anyone else with it. If one wants to participate to the alpha testing they can do so, with minimal fee. If you dont, you can wait for the finished game and buy it then, like you can any other.. If you dont know how money hungry company works check out the "warz model" ps. Also why would you "finish" the mod, when the arma2 is restricting so much. Now with almost new engine they have "unlimited" possibilities to add features that mod never could handle... why waste the time?
  5. wrong, Both softwares are good with clear sound and more than enough for any online gamer...
  6. NO! damn people, its said that they will check the situation at that point... that DOES NOT mean that alpha will start then.
  7. Im all for the immersion, but sadly it wont work so good when other people are chatting thru ts/vent etc. It doesnt only go for the radio but the direct chat etc. Someday I would like to see people using ingame direct chat and mic that you could really hear them speaking, not with 3th party voip now.. its like everyone is telepathic. Now you are "forced" to use those yourself if you want to "survive" in game.. Also when you are fresh spawn with your friend etc, no radios so people are driven to use teamspeak to even find each other... Also I can imagine when both guys find radios and send the frequency to each other with skype :D
  8. Again gummy trolling with his vehicle issue... so many people had said it so many times and you just dont want to realize how things are going and how enormous amount of stuff is already done. So please, stop. I agree to the ones talking about the radios, It would be neat little extra but I wont stop using teamspeak because of that. That is only because others wont, I would rather be on a same level with them. If the game could force to you use radios and block other voip programs on the background, would be nice. Just my opinnion on the matter.
  9. DayZ SA suffered the same fate that the warz did, it was a scam and now its DEAD, no more updates no nothing! We wont be hearing from them again, only matter of time when these forums go down "hacked"! Trust me, I am a doctor.
  10. Also heard that treyarch and hammerpoint is involved too. This is gonna be awesome, elite of the game world working together!! take my money!!
  11. Zeppa

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Seriously, I had to use notepad to read this rhinochea... guys post. There is nothing wrong with these forums and its "fanboyismsmsmmmm", there is only limit how much bullshit and egoism we can take.
  12. Zeppa

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Sure I understand that it would take much more from the pc if you would render the grass on the whole view distance etc. Then they should look for a differend approach, but something should be done. As it is now, its awfull.
  13. Zeppa

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Yes, this one I have also seen but just tought if there is any "fresh" info about this... Dont like the feel crouching around "safe" long grass fields that are bald for someone looking from the distance and I will stick out as a sore thumb.
  14. Zeppa

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Have they/have anyone asked or is there fact information are they going to do something about the grass draw distance that you could actually use it as a "cover" or to hide? I think this is important as removing the zeds spawning at players presense...
  15. People are talking like its carved in the stone now, that the game will be released at june. He said they will check then if they are ready for public alpha, made no promises. I can wait. There went the 1000th post.. didnt remember, could have used it better... better this than the warz thread tho. :D
  16. Zeppa

    PC Case

    Get a real case, not those ugly alienware hyper awesome led windows door shit... PSU will do fine. CPU will do fine. (WARNING see below) MOBO WILL NOT, you cannot put AM3 processor to a intell socket. Lets stop there, now if you want that CPU... start from there = Socket AM3. Find MOBO that has this AM3 socket OR AM3+(am3 cpu will work in am3+ socket). With AM3+ you are ready for AMD FX gen CPU's if you want to upgrade at some point. Like this: http://www.ebuyer.co...ard-m5a78l-usb3 WITH MOBO watch that it will fit your case, ATX?mATX? etc When you find MOBO that you are willing to get (price, connectors etc), then open the manufacturers list for tested/supported RAM(QVL) and start going to through that. when you find RAM that you want(price, brand, speed etc) you are done. NOTE!: I would go in this order. 1st CPU 2nd MOBO (RELATED TO CPU) 3th CASE (RELATED TO MOBO) 4th RAM (RELATED TO MOBO) 5th GPU (RELATED TO MOBO/PSU) 6th other stuff as HDD/SSD 7th PSU (RELATED TO EVERYTHING) I would get better GPU.. (NVIDIA) GTX 6xx ALSO note when buing GPU that your PSU have the necessary connetors!(Mainly 6pin 12v power connectors) Also the GPU manufacturers listed PSU requirement IS NOT for the card it self, its recommended WHOLE SYSTEM wattage that has also the headroom... you will do fine around 500W PSU's if you dont start spending much more money on GPU's.. ATI cards have had driver related issues and still have, fps drops and crashing etc old games not working if you like playing those. I have ati card atm.
  17. Zeppa

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Ofc there is... foolish of me to think something isnt already here :D
  18. Zeppa

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I dont know, where should I put this? http://www.joystiq.com/2013/03/22/dean-hall-dayz-standalone-alpha-wont-launch-until-at-least-jun/
  19. Zeppa

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Days survived would work for this. Look at epeen montior im sure we added days survived already :-) So If I just run around eating beans I will gain talent of crafting arrows faster or what ever? Sounds like a shortcut, would be better if you could track how many times certain task is done.
  20. Zeppa

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Yes arma3 physics are bad now.. It was already funny when the first demo video came out... where they were hitting some cargo containers etc with the vehicle, did not impress.. Same as arma2 physics etc are quite awfull.. Well the game wasnt ment to be some demolition derby.
  21. Zeppa

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Horse meat. That is why they pulled all the stuff from the market.
  22. Awesome, only the music in the vid is too loud... when the speech is low its annoying to try to hear it behind the screeking and scratching.
  23. I think that npc thing was just and example... It could as well be something like note in a house, as you read it some stach is spawned somewhere in the map that the note points you towards. There could be alot of mechanics to this, its woudnt have to be some "characters" it could as well be items. Like the key you find with a note, there could be some door in some house that it fits to etc. There could be loot or it could be empty. IMO that woudnt break immersion or the game in any way, would be fun actually... Im not saying it should or should not be implemented but its a tough.
  24. Sure it would be "best" if there was no npc/quests etc etc. But it becomes problematic when there is these cod kids, that are not willing to play a part but just troll for lulz. Some example would be larp, how well do you think that would work when there would be guys trolling around... not well, you can try to ignore them but you cant block or stop them ruining the game. If there would be npc's and some "small" quest/mission stuff it comes more casual(which is not good in everyones mind) and those cod kids could play those quests as in "regular" games and not troll so much other players... In larp exsample that wouldnt work as the cod kids come there just for troll, in this game they are to play it.. at least most of the time, trolling comes second. Its lots of ifs but thats the way it is. I think these are the two sides of the coin...
  25. NPC conversation... Take a few friend gear up and go in to cherno etc in to some house, give people quests if you like... ask them to bring can of beans and give them back a hat. Ofc there will be people that try to fuk up these kind of things but its dayz.. Post a forum when your PPC is up somewhere, people will ask you what you need. Also you could be "dealer", someone asks you to get something and you can get the stuff for the one guy through another guy thats willing to trade it to something else. No for the NPC No for the Quests controlled by the game No no no no no no no no..