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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. People doesnt like change, after a while with the new UI or what ever they will like it as they liked what was before it. Untill new update comes and bitching starts, and again untill people get used to it... rinse and repeat.
  2. Zeppa

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Will the lighting be fixed? Dusk and dawn, direction related brightness and darkness variation. This problem is present in TOH and arma 2 (dont know about arma3)
  3. I demand BF4 like trailers that has duration like 5 seconds and then HUGE DAYZ LOGO shoved in your face after!!... weekly, at least! Because that is what makes a good game! No real info please.. or screenshots. Just photoshopped and edited promo material that we can be disapointed like people with warz was.. Because that is what consumers should see, not the real behind the scenes material... pffsss
  4. Is someone really saying that people will play dayz mod for arma3 if SA isnt realeased "now"... or that arma3's mod is equal or better than coming SA? Right... mod will be always a mod, with its restrictions.
  5. Im waiting for new update from the devs to add things to this list. Gummys problems with SA at the moment. 1. Y u no put cars in initial release!!?? = Steps backwards. 2. Y u no put fancy flashy UI for the inventory!?! = Its shit. 3. Y u no post updates that doesnt have value or interest to ME!? = Noone cares. = Days SA = Arma2 with Dayz mod. Flawless.
  6. Is the lighting fixed in SA? When your screen gets dark/bright depending what direction(~180dec opposite) you are watching... thats so annoying and unrealistic. Human eye doesnt do that in outdoors or indoor for that matter... Its issue this when coming out from dark to very bright but still the eye adjusts fairly quicly As this problem is in TOH too, dunno about arma3? Dusk/dawn its worst.
  7. Zeppa

    DayZ Development Twitter

    There is another member of this forum that "Cap'n" reminds me of... "Why arent the cars in the initial release", anyone? Hint: Nick starts with "G"
  8. Zeppa

    How to fly a plane?

    Im wondering who cant fly in arma... cant get much easyer. :D
  9. Indeed, I was waiting the start and watching sacriels stream but got tired.... went to bed then, now watched clips. Events idea is brilliant, staff was retarted with their shit... Better organisation next time, and no interfering. They should stay in their chopper or use skins that standout. Staff next time, please. http://blog.cascade.org/wp-content/2011/12/reflection-vest-_Robin_20113.jpg
  10. Zeppa

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    I tough there would be something to laugh at when I saw gummys avatar from the frontpage... (latest poster) Son, I'm disapoint...
  11. Zeppa

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Also if you listen to the rain, it morse code... You can find out the past, present and the future of standalone development. Good luck.
  12. Agreed about the forests... But the wreck becoming a hotspot, I dont necessarily thing so... If the loot spawn is made some what smart, not like in the mod... mod has hotspots only because there spawns the best gear, and if the ship is off shore and spawn avarage items it would be a just another place to loot like any places on land, except its on the sea and harder to get to.. there for not so popular... same if its on the shore, easyer to loot and its equal to houses etc etc as a place, only looks cool. But if its a cargoship I would expect it to spawn better than avarage loot, at least wide variety of items and there for worth the trip.... we can only speculate..
  13. Dont forget about the passing out part, soon as you swing and miss the first axe blow you passout and the cow jogs away and you have to find it again :D
  14. Agreed... Maybe this is the game that will be differend...no limited carebear edition. There is always large AA titles for people seeking regular gaming experience, I think many of here want something totally differend and unforgiving... I hope that mod is a "joke" compared to SA...what comes to a difficulty.
  15. Zeppa

    Looking to buy desktop

    Do not buy ready, branded computers... they are only good for watching some movies and doing that blogging, if you want a good gaming PC then build your own. With a little research aint hard. Can become even cheaper to build own, or at least better with same amount of money... and its not glogged with those brand shitty programs... Thing I dont understand why people make these topics about rigs when the forum is full of them... at least 1 or 2 everyday... Everything can be already found from this forum.
  16. Zeppa

    I need help building a decent P.C'

    If you can afford I would throw some cash and get SSD for the OS and "regular" softwares... Much faster boot and when opening apps. Small SSD's aint so expensive anymore, personally best money spend. (mine is 60gb and more than enough for OS+app usage.) I woudnt buy any of those cases, comes just to a opinnion... I bought this: http://www.fractal-d...product∏=48 Sleek and good cooling options, I dont like those led/windows monster cases...
  17. I have, and from day one this is one of the things I found weird... As wot requires fairly tactical gameplay I dont see why they woudnt add those mechanics, would suite the game perfectly. You should just adapt to it, not really harm done. Gameplay may be ruined for those that rush from the start in a lemming train. But would bring much more to a more "serious" gamers, these could be (in case of wot) lined with game modes, ie hardcore randoms etc... lots of options. What comes to dayz/toh, game seeks for authenticity... that would bring some, If were in post apocalyptic world I would do my very best to keep my transportation in working condition... you wouldnt like to loose few rotor blades in midair? :D Or wheel from a car in infested town? That doesnt mean that you have to do the check every time you see your vehichle lol... brain usage is adviced :D If I would do a loot run with a heli, I would check it at my base... make the run and check it after. If I find and heli, I would do the checks and repair what I think is broken... if there is zeds then get a friend to cover your ass. Some tasks you cant just do alone, its a fact and should be like that ingame also. They shoudnt make the game by the rules that some lonewolf could hold horders of zombies of while fixing and huey with other hand :D ps. Visual cues should vary by how bad the condition is (texture change, conditions from 1-5 etc). IE rotor blades looks scuffed and dirty in various degrees and so on. Not that you have to really check for tiny scrathes, well maybe if you would like to keep it in top condition always ^^ For parts that are not visually inspectable like starters and such they could progress, ie sometimes needs few tries to get it engaged and so on. In TOH, some helis have panels that you can open and inspect the engine etc. Then we come to the point where should these parts be found? I woudnt like that you can find them like now in the mod scattered.. maybe spawn wrecks that can have usable parts, airfield hangars could have parts and so on..
  18. Zeppa

    I need help building a decent P.C'

    And after chosing the components, check the PSU once more... you havent said how old and what SPU you got now, so after upgrading everything that can bring problems. Those parts listed here should run fine on 500-600W psu(good brand), and have little headroom still.
  19. Sure, that depend how much and what material you have to work with...lots of stuff recorded withing in a week, pictures taken etc... one hour wont cut it for a even superhuman.. (well sure you can, but how watchable it is, and logical..) Then there is the time question, not maybe the compiling part but how much it have taken away from the actual development if you ie interview some designers and stuff middle of their work etc etc etc... If development takes lets say 1 year, and you make dev plogs and stuff the whole time, how much time is wasted from that year to keep us in our pants... even with that, they can hear the crying but from differend people this time. Moving on.. Was yesterday playing TOH(again) and started thinking that they should take everything from it (veteran dificulty) and port it to dayz. Also they should remove the stupid repair system of dayz mod(for all vehicles), and you should do your own troubleshooting if the heli(in this case) wont start. When doing the startup proceduress and power wont come on?, starters wont engage?, turbines wont stay running/cuts out when trying to go full throttle?... etc etc etc Same with visual inspection that is introduced in TOH.. even it should be brought to another level without the automatic checkup, but that person should have to use his own eyes.. You should really check for damage... rather than scroll menu showing your broken parts highlighted with red..
  20. Would this make a difference to anything? Im sure it would at least make people bitch about the given update, when it doesnt have 30 minute detailed video, 100 screenshots and 4 paged pdf file attached about the development..
  21. That is true. I wonder which is better to say estimate of possible release date and then miss it rather than saying nothing... In ANY case there will be bitching and moaning... So to me it seems just more simple to be shut it and work in silence, post a devblog now and then to show off some of the work. Some people have more patience than others, you cant please everybody... never. Its easyer for the development and everyone working on it when they dont react the bitching and moaning, even if those complaining moves to other games etc... they may comeback when the game is released, if not then they really dont mind the game much. Like we can do other stuff while waiting... the word about the release will reach us in no time when it happens and we are on the line then for the keys. Its always away from the working time if they keep posting updates of every turn they make or if they document lots of stuff us to watch from tube... Sure its pain for the people waiting, no question about it... Even if Im not one of the people demanding the release date etc, I would like them to take the time..even once in a month to compile somekind of report, that is not too much to ask or even a half an hour a week to post few lines and maybe a screenshot. On the other hand I can be even without the info and take the it as a surprise when the alpha is launched, maybe get few "wow!"s about the things they have done.
  22. My responses in green. I also understand the "screamers", I would like to have the game out too. I also some what understand what it takes(barely) to roll out this game and Im happy to wait, no hurry.. There is other things to do also. Im trying to see all sides of these things, some times it hard and when you read stuff from this screen they can be interpreted wrongly..
  23. IMO maps shoudnt be rare, they arent really rare in rl? What should be changed is way to navigate with a map and terrain... and this brings us to the "dificulty levels" of the servers, there shouldnt be options like in arma now that you can add waypoints and shit.. Just plain map and compass, pen for marking stuff... I agree that some maps could be partially torn or dirty so that they are unreadable here and there...
  24. The whole scene will be differend in SA, as the buildings are made accessible. Kamenka could become more popular point for supplies just because of this.. I would place the ship near one of the large harbors.. ps. What comes to the spawning I think they really should do some new spawn points to inland... the forever coast spawn gets a little dull. (I would like randomly across the map)
  25. And everything just said is irrelevant in the end. Mods are made by people already owning the game X for more content, FOR people that ALREADY OWN the game X... not for that people would buy the game to play some mod...And these people coming from the "outside" doesnt have ANY right to bitch about anything, speacially require some speacial threadment(discounts etc) after some mod goes standalone game... When you come across reply that says "THE MODS IS FREE FSSS", it is most likely because the post before it has content that there has happened something unfair when they decided to buy a game to play a mod and they are not happy about it... (and why, I cant understand...) Everyone knows that you are required to have the game X to play mod made for the game X... so if people are just informing it, its waste of breath..