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Doc Glock

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Everything posted by Doc Glock

  1. Tents are disappearing/not saving correctly/working all at random with this version. It's all very hit and miss. Same goes for vehicles still. Kind of surprised they aren't cracking down on this huge bug or maybe they are and we'll have a fix soonish.
  2. On point is the username in question. Will most likely change but for the time being I hope this helps someone.
  3. Gonna have to say the admin made the right choice. And your story is full of holes and other things that point to the alt+f4 ban being the correct choice.
  4. Doc Glock

    Global Ban question

    You can either stop cheating or keep buying the game. Take your pick.
  5. Doc Glock

    Is there any humanity in DayZ

    Plenty of good people. I run into a lot actually. Only recent fight I had was over a miscommunication. I was actually in Zelenegorsk when some guys in a UAZ saw me in a church and were driving around running over zombies outside honking their horn. Asked if I wanted a ride. I politely declined. One guy came in and chatted with me and killed the stray zombies coming in. They said they were going to NWAF and I wished them luck. I found another poor guy in Elektro, total noob. Gave him some pointers and ran off after he gave me the can of food I needed.
  6. Doc Glock

    Hacker US 1173

    To sum it up the minute you spawn you will explode so DO NOT JOIN. If you do join, you can pay attention to the names and see which ones aren't dying and you have a potential suspect. Lost a good amount of gear but I luckily have some backup gear in another server. In my and my friends case we didn't die immediately but were heading to Devil's Castle, got to the steps to the main entrance and kaboom! It was so sudden and shocked me that I didn't have time to catch it any other way. My friend respawned just to see what would happen and immediately blew up again. It was either a character named Mason (common name so I would believe it) or One Man, Alone.
  7. Doc Glock

    Looking for some real Dayz players.

    I would join you but I'm not a real DayZ player, I'm just a figment of your imagination.
  8. Doc Glock

    Ground Hog Day(Z)

    Might I suggest not going to Cherno and Elektro if you're getting sniped there. Go inland or hit just the small towns.
  9. Doc Glock

    No Muders, And i have helped People.

    Not to mention shoot on sight and lose humanity or potentially get killed by another player. Your choice.
  10. Doc Glock


    Pics or GTFO seems necessary in this case. Maybe even calling out a legit screenshot as hacked crap.
  11. Doc Glock

    Ghillie Suit

    Curious, would you be willing to trade for one of those camo suit? I don't have a Ghillie but I have an M9 SD, no mags, would rather have a sidearm with ammo.
  12. Doc Glock

    Am I a bad person ?

    He probably would've shot you if he had seen you first so don't feel bad.
  13. Doc Glock

    New Humanity System

    I'm already having issues with humanity courtesy of people who refuse to talk or type. specifically the guy I ran into, tried to offer help to but unfortunately had to kill because he ran at me with his AK pointed at me after two times of trying to speak with him. I knew he was there before he knew I was there so I tried to communicate, gave him plenty of time to respond. Bam 2500 humanity lost because he ran off and a zombie finished him. Oh well.
  14. Doc Glock

    [TRADE] M9 SD

    Hmmm, I actually found one, no ammo. Can't use other kinds of ammo. Kind of sucks like that.
  15. Doc Glock

    admin is cheating what a suprise

    I don't think you know them well enough because there is a lot more to it than that.
  16. Are you sure it's not the version of DayZ that's the issue? I haven't ran into a server issue regarding the OA version.
  17. Doc Glock

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    Welcome to an alpha mod. Did I put enough emphasis on the important part of that? Play it how you can, it's not unplayable, there will be bugs, that's what alphas and betas have. No need to dupe weapons, the loots spawns work perfectly and inventories are fine as well.
  18. Doc Glock

    Supplying The Survivors

    Good idea but the biggest issue is location. I think you're going to need a couple more people localized in areas such as Euro and US so that people in those areas can actually participate. Servers usually kick people at ~160 ping and I don't know about you but Oceanic/Aussie servers would probably kick someone from the US pretty darned quick. Good luck with your endeavour.
  19. Doc Glock

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Good luck. DayZCommander shouldn't have an issue. Glad I found it before any other the other updaters/loaders.
  20. The wiki is your friend but I'll just point you to where it points. http://kodabar.blogspot.com/2012/05/how-to-install-dayz-with-arma-2-free.html Not sure if your copy is the Steam version or not. The Arma 2 "demo" is the free version on Steam.
  21. Doc Glock

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm probably going to be out of commission until the server I store my equipment on becomes less suck. At the moment anything I bring to my tent (if it's there) gets sucked into the ether and my tent resets to about a week ago where I had nothing but food in it. Nothing seems to fix it even multiple saves so I'll let people know if I'm able to help. I've been trying to remedy this issue myself or bypass it the last 3-4 days with no luck.
  22. Doc Glock

    [TRADE] M9 SD

    Not gonna lie, if I found one I sure as hell wouldn't trade it. I'd almost be willing to tent dupe it except that'd ruin half the fun.
  23. Doc Glock

    Trading bizon pp-19 sd with 6 mags

    I wonder if you killed me for it? If so, thanks, kind of been wanting to get rid of it. About half an hour after respawning I picked up an M14 AIM so I'm pretty happy.
  24. Doc Glock

    Death by login

    This happens to me on occasion but I haven't lost my gear because of it. I wonder if we're gonna lose our gear after the update due to this bug. That just sucks.
  25. Doc Glock

    is turning gamma high allowed?

    No it's illegal. /sarcasm