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About wxlfgang

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ill join. Steam name is basedgod. i can chat you for whatever reason but its okay. ive got a pretty good haul. hmu if youre interested.
  2. can you help me?? im stuck somewhere. i dont want to give my position out to everyone. i would love it if you could come help me get back to the city
  3. actually im not sure i want to go.. you have a good amount of people so good chance there will or already is a hacker
  4. Im coming. my player name is Basedgod and my friend is Baby_RRino. Were friendly depending on how you act.
  5. wxlfgang

    Selling AS50 Thermal ++

    I killed this fucker with my buddie at the northwest airstrip today. had everything he mentioned. we took his gun but later found out it was hacked so we dropped it. btw if anyone wants to team up add me on steam and message me on here