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About Deremix

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Toronto, CA
  • Interests
    Tonnes of stuff. Look at my YT for an idea of what. And of course, DayZ.

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  • Bio
    Just a young 3d animator and filmmaker. PS: Display picture's not me. Guess who it is.
  1. Deremix

    What's your best moment in DayZ?

    My best moment was actually my latest character. I hadn't played DayZ for a long time until the day before yesterday. I started playing Namalsk, and I instantly fell in love with this map and the new way of playing, especially since this server had more vehicles. It started with me hearing a chopper crash and decided to avoid the smoke I saw in the distance because I figured there'd be some decked out dudes ready to shoot anyone. I headed down to the river where I saw a Fisherman's boat in the distance. This is the first boat I've ever gotten in DayZ. It took me about an hour to swim over to it and this dropped my temperature so much that my character started shaking like crazy and coughing all the time. But the boat worked thankfully, I took off. But I noticed the boat didn't have much fuel. So I just decided I should probably be able to get somewhere before it runs out. I drove the boat for a while until I saw what looked like a military complex on the right side of the river. I thought about going there but then just decided to keep going. Then I heard gunshots, and sure enough those bullets started hitting the side of my boat from the military complex. I looked and looked but I couldn't see anyone at all. Thankfully he wasn't a very good shot and just kept shooting the boat all while not damaging it. But just as soon as I started to get away, the boat ran out of fuel and completely shut down. I tried to get it to work, but it was no use and the bullets were getting closer to me. So I dived out of the boat leaving it in the middle of the river and using it as cover as I took a while to get back to the shore of the island that I was on. I got back in the water safely and there were no more gunshots. I surveyed the military complex and still couldn't see anyone. But now I had an objective, I set out to find some fuel and bring it back to the boat. I eventually came upon an industrial complex and snuck inside a warehouse that was surrounded by zombies. I searched through it and eventually found a Jerry Can. I think started to sneak my way back out but while I was in the door way, BAM, gunshots scared the crap out of me and the bullets where hitting right next to me. I quickly prone rolled back inside and ran up the warehouse stairs. In all my time of playing DayZ before, I had never been in a firefight, I always just got shot and died. But I was ready this time. As I waited for the shooter to come through the door, I realized something. The gun he was using sound exactly like the gun the gunman who was shooting my boat was using. I thought maybe this was the same guy. I waited for a little bit longer but I never heard footsteps or anything. Then the server reset. I had had enough intensity for that day, so I logged off. Now today, I came back to the game. Now that I had the Jerry Can, I made the run back to my boat. The server had reset a lot of times, and it had been a whole day, but to my immense surprise, my boat was still there, sitting in the exact same spot I left it. I swam out to the boat and used my Jerry Can on it. Got a confirmation that it had filled the boat up to 20. I got in the boat, but it wouldn't move. The fuel meter was still empty. So basically this was a futile trip. While I was seeing what was wrong with my boat, I turned around to the shore and noticed someone standing on the beach watching me. Scared me, but I noticed he was talking to me in the chat. He said "Hello out there. Is that boat working?" I explained the situation to him to which he replied it sucked and he was sorry. Then he ran off into the forest. This guy could have shot me right there, and I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it, but he decided to be friendly and leave me be. One of the few times I've encountered someone like that. So, I figured it wouldn't hurt to try refueling one more time. I returned to the industrial complex to find that two more Jerry Cans had spawned... and there was a chopper. I didn't know how to fly a chopper but I was sure as hell going to try. I snuck my way to the Jerry Cans and picked one up. But I didn't have time to clear my backpack for the second Jerry Can because I noticed not far from me, there was a horde of zombies running around. Then I saw a player. I freaked out, and ran for it. If I had tried to fly the chopper, this man most likely would have shot me out of it before I could lift off. So with only one Jerry Can, I made my way back to my boat which was yet again, still there. But this time, over at the military complex, there was a chopper, looked like it was picking people up. I was so distracted by it that when I got closer to my boat I ran right in to a player with a double barrel. He turned around and saw me and ran past me. I figured he was friendly, so I turned and started running to my boat. But bam, he shot me right in the back. Thankfully it didn't make me bleed, so I ran around so he couldn't get a second shot on me. My adrenaline was pumping, I had never fought another player. I had done my best the whole time I've played DayZ to only shoot zombies. But this time, it was him or me. So with his second shot of and him reloading, I took this my first shot. This was the first time I had even fired a weapon with this character. It hit him, but he shot back, hitting me and making me bleed this time. We ran and circled each other, he shot and missed. I took a shot, keep in mind, this was all in third person on Veteran without crosshairs. I broke his leg with that shot and down he went. I couldn't get a good shot on him while he was down, so I risked going in to first person. My character was sick and his temperature was as low as possible. He was shaking uncontrollably, making first person view very difficult. Then, the guy finished reloading and took another shot and me. He broke my legs, but as soon as he did, my shotgun was pointed right at his head. I shot and finally, it was over. Death confirmation popped up, and he completely lied down. My character collapsed his legs broken and having lost so much blood that my vision was pure black and white, blurry and shakey. I quickly bandaged my self up. I sat and rested because that was crazy. The first firefight I've ever been in. I could still see my boat, and I started crawling to the edge of the shore. But with my hunger at critical levels, my blood basically completely gone, and my temperture as low as possible, I died not long after with the boat in my view, the helicopter from the military complex flying over me and the jerry can in my inventory. I then messaged on side chat telling everyone that my boat was out there and my body had a Jerry can on it. That was utterly my most amazing playthrough on DayZ.
  2. Deremix

    DayZ Stories

    Dunno if this could be qualified as a story, but something pretty weird happened yesterday. I was on a Veteran Server, can't remember the name. I had just respawned after getting shot by some unknown in the forest. Anyway, I was running along the coast, I didn't get time to look at the pop-up of where I was at and I wasn't using the website map, so I didn't know where I was. I kept running away from the town I spawned near and eventually realized I was going to the end of the map, and the town I spawned in was Kamenka. But, during this, I noticed in the distance a man standing with a pistol and a car beside of him. I quickly went prone behind two trees and surveyed him. He wasn't moving at all. Then suddenly, another player runs up and starts looking around at the guy. I thought maybe these two were friends. Then came at least four other, well armed players. I eventually realized the first guy was a glitched body. They were looting him when I noticed a small medical box infront of the car. After a bit, the five other players started looting the box. Next thing I know, one of the players starts placing something on the ground in a circle surrounding the body and the car. Didn't know what it was, until they all ran away as fast as possible. It was extremely quiet, I had music turned off. Then suddenly the sound of at least 10 satchel charges blowing up blasted my headphones, making me jump like crazy. I kept watching until one more player walked up and placed one last charge then ran off in the direction right past the trees I was hiding behind. I was sure he would have seen me, but he didn't. Then the last satchel charge blew up and I sat and watched for a minute, before realizing everyone was gone. I also saw at least two more bodies. I think maybe it was a battle between some of the people, since they all split up. I slowly snuck up to the glitched body and looted him. He had some pretty good loot, with the only weapon he had was a G17 pistol. I took the pistol, and turned my attention to the destroyed car and the medical box. I open up the medical box to find... five of every weapon in the game. Obviously, someone had hacked it it. Maybe it was one of the five guys, maybe it was the dead guy, maybe it was someone else entirely. But I scrolled through the list of weapons quickly, taking only a hatchet as caution. I then alt-tabbed out to open up the map and make sure where I was. When I came back in the game, the car was gone, and a man with camo and a pure white face texture was running around with a gun, seemingly thinking I was dead, and doing the lean dance. I logged out seeing as how this was most likely the hacker. After a while, I went back to this server to find the hacker, the bodies, and everything else gone. I still had the G17 and the hatchet. I guess the server reset to get rid of the hacked stuff. This was in the same day I ran across a friendly bandit with whom I had a nice chat with before parting ways. In Cherno. All in all, pretty crazy day in Dayz.
  3. Deremix

    Make the nights brighter!!!

    I love the nights. It's very immersive, not to mention if you have the balls or are secluded enough to pop a flare, it looks beautiful. Nighttime brings in a whole other element to surviving, really. So nah, I don't think they should make it brighter. Besides, I think it's good enough as is. I can see pretty well at night even without light sources. But still, you spawn with a flash light. Simple enough.