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About detly

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. can someone please tell me how to do this without using six launcher? I have it for steam and I need to update my files.. six isnt working for me so i need to use something else, dayz commander is being glitchy too :/
  2. didnt work.. same popup :/ ive uninstalled it and reinstalled multiple times
  3. Hi when I try to run the program it stops loading and pops up with this message and closes please help? http://i48.tinypic.com/23ifaki.png[/iMG] I've tried reinstalling my framework but im not sure how to check if it worked or not. any suggestions?
  4. When I try to use sixlauncher I click on a server and it starts to update saying: "updating @DayZ 100% 0/0 0 B/s ()" and wont let me start any games
  5. ill pay you on paypal to fix this for me my skype is michael.iovenko
  6. i found this: "To fix this issue run your steam as Administrator. Exit your steam, right click the steam icon and select 'Run as Administrator.' And to have it permanent ran as Administrator, simply right click your steam.exe, then go to properties and check it at compatibles. " the guy said it worked but idk what he means i know how to run as admin though
  7. lol what six launcher... i was told to do it through steam because thats how i downloaded the game
  8. Hi I have the game on steam when i try to open it it pops up a cmd and quickly closes before i can read what it sais. my skype is : michael.iovenko please help! thanks!