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Everything posted by TehBigRedOne

  1. TehBigRedOne

    Zombies Too Annoying

    It seems impossible to loot a town when you just respawn and zombies chase you through almost everywhere and its extremely annoying. I almost want to suggest that zombies do not attack you until you attack them, and that if you kill them they grant greater prizes rather than tin cans and bandages so people have a point to kill them.
  2. TehBigRedOne

    Slow Zombies

    Its hard as hell when they're attacking you right as you spawn. - You have nothing to kill it with -Running into the forest doesn't always work and it can bring you into the middle of nowhere - First hit 75% of the time makes you bleed so if you're in the middle of a town you are screwed -Not always buildings to run through -You are completely vulnerable to player who wants a number next to his murders -Sometimes by the time you are able to escape while bleeding you are at a point where you can't even see anything anymore