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About Stevo_M

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey, thanks for that. I have tried just waiting, and absolutely nothing happens (even after an hour). Sometimes a small amount of black will appear, as if the hourglass is counting down, but very very slowly. I will leave it going overnight and see if that fixes it.
  2. RMA? DayZ is free... ARMA II still works fine.
  3. hey, thanks for that. Unfortunately I cannot die, because I have fainted. I cannot move, I cannot do anything. The hourglass does not time down, it just stays white forever.
  4. g'day, I am relatively new to DayZ, and have been loving. However, now every time that I log into a server (any server) I begin fainted, and never recover. I cannot push the buttons, not even Esc. My only option is to Alt-F4 out of the game. I can see and hear everything that's going on. But am completely helpless. I really want to play the game again!!! Any suggestions? I have tried creating a new character profile, but this does nothing. Is there a way to reset my character manually?