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Everything posted by Travis31

  1. I'm curious about the community/forum's thoughts on combat logging. Rather than espouse something that will just bring flamers, or initially quibble on where and what is allowed when, I'd like to start with a little game. I'm going to post a couple ways that a player can log out, and will order these in least/no combat logging to blatant combat logging. The purpose of this game is twofold: You can either quote someone whose list you generally agree to and add a situation of your choosing anywhere to the list to make a longer list. Or, on very long lists, you can quote someone and reorder the list. The purpose here is to see what people think about combat logging severity, as opposed to trying to find a dividing line between combat logging and not. If you want to see my failed attempt at arguing for such a line, you can find my first thread post here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63176-combat-logging-am-i-guilty-or-innocent/#entry602755 I will start my list in the second post!
  2. Funny... i never once used the term Alt-F4... I wonder how, if you can read, you got that inclination from me...
  3. Travis31

    altf4,serverhopping suggestions

    I like the idea of not being able to log out in towns, EXCEPT, that I always need to log out in stary to combat graphic glitches. Like clockwork. Once they fix graphic glitches, i'm on board for that. Cooldown of 15 minutes is way too long. 3 minutes max; still a bit on the long side, but not ridiculous. I agree with moar zombie range. As it stands now, if you see zombies that aren't clumped, you know there is a player in dem darr hillz. Though I like the comment someone made about a 1200 meter radius for zombie spawning, that would be harder on the servers, though... 36 times, to be precise. Something closer to 800 meters would only be 16 times as much potential zombies max, but i think 600 is gonna be the sweet spot. This is, of course, provided that the 200 meter range is accurate for the current spawning: I don't know what the current range is so i'm only going off what people have said in this thread.
  4. Travis31

    A new reason to play

    The flamer inside me wants to yell out "Go play WoW." The realist inside me goes "They have no production staff to create, much less code these events when they're working on the main game." The geek in me is excited by the idea of taking server hopping out of the equation by introducing a way to reward players who are making their way between towns to perhaps stumble upon random wreckage with a radio that, say, will lead you to a working car if you go in the direction that makes the signal strength stronger.
  5. Lol; Did France run a lot? I thought they just didn't really fight much.
  6. It's a spectrum that I was attempting to create. The 11 items i created were random, and perhaps skewed one way or the other. The point was for people to either reorder my list if they disagreed with it, or add one more item if they generally agreed with it. Don't worry about it now, though, i'm gonna let the thread die and try to be more clear next time.
  7. Well, seeing as the only true, self-reported one from the list was the one about me being teleported from Berezino and logging off immediately, apparently i'm suddenly not Germany?
  8. Maybe I wasn't clear. I'll let this thread die and come back later to try again. I wasn't trying to make any statements about what was or wasn't combat logging; but perhaps by asserting that there is somehow things that are more outrageous combat logging and some that are either benign or not even combat logging, and merely trying to make a continuous list on the spectrum must not be as interesting to other people as it is to me. Somehow populating a list where the only true one was me being teleported to nw airfield and me logging off makes me worthy of flames? My guess is linking the previous thread as context just confused people to the point of this one...
  9. I apologize if English is not your primary language. I don't want to offend you for language endeavors. But i don't see how you being a spineless pussy has anything to do with a quote game I was attempting to start?
  10. Are you talking to me? Are you not capable of reading the thread purpose...?
  11. So every time I hear gunshots and i don't know where they came from, it makes my heart race. Even when i'm playing with my buds, and they forget to call out their shots, my trigger finger winces. Long story short, me and a bud had a bad zombie experience with non-stop zombies in nw airfield, and a zombie knocks him out and kills him thru the wall of the barracks. He had a ghillie suit. I really want to get him another. I got lucky once in the apartments of cherno and though 'why not, maybe lightning will strike twice. I loot thru the apts, make my way out of town, log, switch servers, etc. One server, at night, I am finishing up looting, when a zombie sees me, OK, thought I, just run into the last apt and finish him off. So i do. And right after, BANG. Real close. I run up the stairs and go prone. I'm in a back room, at the top of the two-story apt, overlooking the only approach, the stairs, and kill two other zombies eventually as they waltz their way up. And down below I hear more gunfire. 2 or 3 shots. My heart is racing. I'm frozen in place. I'm watching the stairs. I can hear footsteps. It stops. More footsteps. It stops. Nothing. For about a minute or two, i'm watching the only approach with my M4A3 CCO, red dot pointed and ready to kill anything that pokes it's head up the stairs. Nothing. Then it hits me. What if someone is trying to ghost me right now? I haven't heard anything for a minute. I log out. I never took damage. Innocent on combat logging, right? I still felt a little dirty, but i have some good sh*t i don't want to lose. :/
  12. Not Combat Logging Side 0. Reading this forum. 1. Bathing in the blood of innocents (Camping cherno). 2. You see a player. They do not see you. You log off. 3. Through voice chat, you convince someone to team up with. With his back turned, you steal something from his pack and log off. 4. You are west of Berezino. You are suddenly hacked into NW airfield with all the other players from the game. You open fire. 5. You are west of Berezino. You are suddenly hacked into NW airfield with all the other players from the game. You log off. 6. You are west of Berezino. You are suddenly hacked into NW airfield with all the other players from the game. You hear someone open fire. You log off. 7. You hear a gunshot. You log out 8. You hear several gunshots. You log out. 9. You take a bullet but dodge inside a house. You bandage. You wait. 5 minutes passes. You log off. 10. You get hit with a bullet. You log out. Combat Logging Side
  13. Travis31

    Setting up a tent

    Sometimes you'll lose progress/tents if servers roll back. In general, the best bet is to always keep the stuff you can't stand to lose. Until you die. And lose it.
  14. Travis31

    Someone tried to rape me?

    I am sometimes amazed what anonymity and fake gender choosing will allow to happen. Oh Internet...
  15. So ever since my friend and I found NVG (And i let him have it without him having to kill me), he's been sticking to night servers primarily. Beckoned me into one as well. So I make my way in pitch blackness toward Stary from west of Pustoshka. We're on skype. I get closer and even though he's on the NE side, he says he can see my flashlight all the way on the SW side as i come through the grocers. I get closer and log out temporarily to fix graphic glitches. I was getting from the tent region. sign back in, and I let him know "I'm not going to want to turn my flashlight on and possibly lead someone to you, but I will need it to get clear of the houses. I'll use a chemlight and you navigating me once i get clear of the majority of zombies. I get out of the red brick building and make my way NE and frogger past a couple zombies. I turn off my light, I throw a chemlight to the ground and pick it up. It's the nice, soft blue one. *Pop* I see a muzzle flare to the east. Me: "Are you shooting?" Before he can even respond, The muzzle flare breaks again, I take damage. I drop the chemlight and start crouch running north. *Pop, pop!* My legs are broken. Me: "I'm being shot from the east, do you see him??" Him: "I see him." The bandit was killed almost instantaneously after. I bandage and morphine up. There is no way i'm gonna turn on my flashlight. Him: "Do you have an AK!?" Me: "N-no, i'm going prone. Do you see someone else?" Another person is killed right after. There are only 5 people on the server, ourselves included. My friend checks out the body first, with me pleading for him to lead my blind ass over to the body. Our haul? He gets the Coyote backpack the bandit had, I get the NVG. Some extra stanag for me. a GPS for him. All in all, it's rather nice getting such a nice haul for being unintentional bait. ;D
  16. Travis31

    Identifying shooting direction

    You either can't read or missed where I said it shouldn't be obvious. Nice straw man, though.
  17. Travis31

    Identifying shooting direction

    I love the people who are violently opposed to being able to tell where bullets are coming from, and then making comments that boil down to "You should only be able to hear well if you spend lots of money on sound equipment like i did." I'm not saying it should be obvious, but a quad directional indicator with a higher or lower elevation aspect that flashes for a moment, maybe even after a shot or to (instantly knowing where one shot came from is unrealistic, but if the shots continue...?) Of course this is just my two cents; i've got headphones and i can usually tell myself. But sometimes i hear a faint faint helicopter off in the distance and can't quite get a visual. I'd be able to stalk so much easier if i had some visual help. ;D
  18. Travis31

    Dealing with hacking (Server rollback)

    Server rollbacks are great for people who want to get their stuff back for free, great for people who pick up gear, but terrible for people who store looted gear in tents. I don't know if it was a rollback or what, but i looted the crap out of cherno and fiilled 3 tents, one with some basic gear, one with some cool gear i was gonna let my bud have, and one with literally all car repair parts except the engine. I log on today. All gone. It's almost as if i shouldn't have even played yesterday. Rollbacks hurt just as many people as hackers do, imo. If the server has it's own community and can coordinate it so you don't lose your shit, thats one thing, but me as some plebian, losing out on an m4a1 sd. Easy come, easy go, but still a bit of a slap in the face. Wasted time goes both ways.
  19. I'm always amused at the level of trust (or friendly snipers in ghillies on overwatch) that it takes to make these trades possible. I don't have nearly enough of either.
  20. Travis31

    Manually select the ammo to use

    I think the best ways to make this happen would either be like a doubletap R, or maybe a rightclick in inven to manually load a clip. Especially now that they have it where ammo doesn't respawn for you on nearly empty clips. >w<
  21. Travis31

    Server hop = Spawn on coast HAS to go.

    I suppose the purpose of the debug fields here is to minimize the chance you get overrun by zombies or players while trying to log in. It is still annoying as all get out though. i've had it happen to me twice in two days. It totally blows grouping out of the water. :(
  22. Travis31

    Hourglass on login.

    I had this happen every time i log onto a server AFTER trying to log onto this one that kept kicking me for script restriction #55. Stopped trying to connect to that server (despite finding a motorbike... probably gone now... :/ )
  23. Travis31

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    Everything is a potential firefight. Zombies are potential firefights. Such an open ended, vague call to stay logged on is a bit blinded by ideals. Losing connection? I only ever see that when the host is lagging a bit, and everyone gets hit at once with the line. I've never seen it elsewhere.
  24. Travis31

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    But i didn't ghost...? Not just you, but a lot of people seem to miss the fact that i had the superior ground. Or ignore it. Or perhaps i just think it makes the difference, and no one else does? A lot of the extreme "you are guilty" rhetoric makes it sound like the noble thing is to never log out and play 24/7. There has to be a realistic expectation of when one CAN log out. And avoidance of an exploit isn't an exploit necessarily...
  25. So me and 4 other friends were playing on the server, 3 together, two other newbies that were trying to make their way to us. We came upon a motorbike. I rode it toward one, but the server (i guess?) restarted and it showed me as dead when I logged in (Game name "Travis"). I freaked out, logged onto a diff server, was naked, gearless in debug fields, logged in 387, naked, gearless debug fields. Quit Arma2, logged back in 387, spawned between kamenka and komarovo with my gear (whew!). And decided i still wanted that bike. Trekked all the way back to it, and found it in the exact same spot NW of Cherno that it was first in. Rode it again, same path, but stopped by a barn to loot it. Saved cycle's location, checked barn. Sweet. Bear trap. Looted bear trap and like a noob tried to fill the bike fuller than the 5 slots that (i now know) that it has. So i lost like 4 clips of spare ammo. I searched the area around the bike. Nothing. In a panic, i logged out and TRIED to log back in, hoping somehow it'd be in my inventory still. Kicked from game, restriction #55. Weird. Tried it again, twice. Still weird. Logged in a diff server, and waited for a 3 min unconscious to go by. Logged back out and tried 387 again. Kicked for #55. Tried my other server, another 3 min unconscious. Logged back into 387 to check the server details, kicked for #54. I'm confused; what happened? TL;DR version: How do I know if i'm banned or fix this restriction issue? Or if banned, figure out the reason for it so i can avoid doing whatever i did and get unbanned? I stole this motorbike fair and square, damnit!