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About Outc4st

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. My ingame nickname is Raimo Vormisto. I have played on the FR RAID WINE servers as long as i can remember and i was banned yesterday. I have encountered several hackers on this servers but personally i have NEVER hacked. It would suck major if i couldnt come back since i really like the servers.
  2. Added Olliecus to steam and it went like this. Me: yo Me: saw you were looking for players to play with Me: how old were you? Olliecus: Well I want mature people, so judging from your typing and not reading what I typed in the OP, it's irrelivant. And Olliescis removes me from his friends list after this. Wanted to break the ice and try to start a relaxed conversation but apparently the way i approached him was not appropriate in his eyes. Seeing how he looks for "mature" players and puts the age requirement of 16 in this topic it got me interested in his own age if he and his friends themselves were 16. So a fair warning: if your grammar is not perfect then dont bother adding Oli, dont start the conversation with "yo" because its extremely immature and rude and do not ask questions(even though he states people to add him and ask "queeries") Have a lovely day and enjoy your free bump! B)
  3. Title says it all. Looking for someone to spend quality time with in DayZ. Honestly would prefer someone from Europe(Timezone), decent english(skype), over 18 years old(not wanting to hear some squicky little voice, sorry :( ) and just overall chill attitude towards everything. It may seem that im looking for a life companion here based on my requirements but im just looking for someone similiar to me. If interested - add to skype niceguyjohn1