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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So whats happening with Trackir? I see its not working now.
  2. Just wondering in .50 if the so called "Bone Condition" stat has been changed? As a player who is more a survivalist I stay alive quite a long time. The only thing that seems to get me is one hit Zombie kills.
  3. woodypeace@hotmail.com

    0.50 stable....

    Yeah but if you bookmark this page. http://forums.dayzgame.com/ The first topic, on the first header, without having to open anything says "Stable Branch update delayed...".
  4. As where you took that quote Boneboys in your last post, http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/206640-status-report-week-of-04-august-14/ it didn't say it but some may of got the impression that private hives were only weeks away. it may of been a bit misleading for someone. I like to take whatever date is implied by whatever dev and add month. Then add two weeks and its about right.
  5. OP does realize that is most likely a duped tent he has.
  6. That is very controller/console UI.
  7. So this status report implied .49 today didn't it? I hope so....
  8. My group of 3-6 run a road block between Elektro & Kamy. As kiwis we all wear the NZDF beret and discourage players from entering Elektro or sneaking around the hills. There's to much KoS and banditry going on we tell them and best to move up the coast to Berezino. It seems though some people are willing to risk their life to get into Elektro. The new ability of making notes though is helping.
  9. * Server this happened on. NZ 04 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 15:30 NZST GMT+12 * What happened during the incident. I would of brought this up to the server operators but they are sending all reports here. http://games.orcon.net.nz/forums/index.php/topic,263.0.html. Server NZ 04 now has a community of semi-permanent hackers. Weapon crates & URAL's full of all the guns are outside the towns ALL the time now. Hacker teleports all the players to one area and says help yourself. Server is almost unplayable if trying to keep to the original game.
  10. Not my mates...but before I go accusing server host clans of hacking I wanted to check you were not one of these "good guy" hackers that just seemed to be in the right place at the right time. So just to be sure...you only saw them around one of these hacked crates, so you didn't see them hacking. See you didn't answer my question.
  11. Wow big call. I'll just ask you once "The Cat". Do you hack DayZ?
  12. * Server this happened on.NZ 04 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 4:35am NZST UTC/GMT +12 * What happened during the incident.: Player name: BugBunnyFTW I talked to this player and accused him of hacking. As i saw his death name come up a few minutes earlier and then he was beside away from the coast with end game gear minutes later. He agreed that he was but he was a 'good' hacker. He then shot me. As a side note, this server has had a URAL with no wheels (cant be fixed) near the coast for two days now FULL of ALL the guns. just to the east of Cherno.
  13. hey thugs a few of us are on NZ 04. I idle in the orcon Teamspeak under server 4. Come in and say high. PM me for more details if you need.
  14. Server: NZ 04 Time: 16:44 NZST 6/8/12 (Ingame; around 14:30, maybe. Unsure) Incident: A observed player created (spawned) a helicopter in front of himself and flew off.