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Posts posted by OatmealMu

  1. I really think the current UI is the best. Anything else would leave waaaay too much room for error when a second flubbing around to figure out which weapon you have equipped means certain death. Lists would make everything horrible' date=' keep it graphical I say.

    That said, I know some people prefer lists. Would it be possible to make a third party mod to change the UI and make it usable in every server?


    Lists or icons... It ultimately doesn't matter as long as the UI follows a logical and consistent order. The current interface slipshod as hell. Examples: The interface for your backpack changes depending on where you open it. Then there's the issue of items not on your character being grouped with items that actually are in your inventory. Now, sometimes items that can be looted are highlighted with white text. Other times the only clue as to what is or isn't in your inventory is a little number to the left or right of an items' name. I could go on, but I won't.

    Actually, I have a question for you: Did you play ARMA II before Day Z? It surprises me that someone actually likes the gear UI. It's functional, yeah. But it's functional in the same way a light switch that electrocutes you when you use it functional. Sure, the light switch works. It turns the lights on and off just fine! It also ELECTROCUTES YOU.

  2. Day Zs' gear interface is probably the worst carry-over from ARMA II. To say it's "clunky" is an understatement. It's inconsistent, unorganized, and ugly. Hell, there's even a sticky on this very forum explaining how to use the fucking thing. When it's deemed necessary to write up a lengthy post on how to use what should be a basic function, there's a problem.

    With that in mind, I put together an example of what I'd like to see. Try to ignore the aesthetics of the thing and focus on the layout and functions. In this case, the UI is for when a someone loots another player. I've got two lists split down the middle: one for the player and the other for whatever they're looting. The lists are organized in a tree structure. Below that, you've got a picture of whatever item is selected along with a text description explaining things like ammunition type and effective range. Finally, I expanded on the buttons that are available in the vanilla interface. Players can eat food or unload a gun directly from the gear UI.

    Whether or not something like the aforementioned is possible, I don't know. But damn, something needs to be done. Of all the things that should challenge a player, the UI isn't one of them.
