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Everything posted by RkKA

  1. Dude, they said they're going to slow down, and take a vacation during the holidays. What more communication do you want.... who's the illiterate one? What other information do you need other than a possible update before or definitely one once back.. do you wanna know what they're eating for xmas dinner or what they're doing on new years?
  2. yeah these bastard devs, why the fuck are you spending time with your family during the holidays after most likely spending most of your time away from your families the past two years working on the game, and not communicating constantly with us while with your families........ they need to get their priorities straight.
  3. Been looking for dudes to roll with on origins, hit me up on steam: Zoltan
  4. RkKA


    when you log out after recently acquiring and item it takes time to register to the global database. Basically, you fucked up.
  5. RkKA

    Is the mod dead?

    Rocket has a lot of shit on his plate. Not only is he trying to keep up with this mod, he's trying to get a stand alone out in time so all these zombie mmos coming out won't basically steal all the players and fans he created from this mod.
  6. These tees are available in 20 different colors; $18 More tee's will be coming soon. If anyone has any ideas please post and I can see what I can do, I'm also willing to make custom tees for you that you can buy on this site. I know the second tee is a reference to a hack, but come on.. you gotta admit it's funny. It happened to me for the first time the other day and I had a ton of good gear. http://society6.com/...hirt#11=49&4=90 http://society6.com/...hirt#11=49&4=13
  7. RkKA

    Unofficial DayZ Tees

    i can do that but like that'd be a total copy right infringement haha
  8. RkKA

    Unofficial DayZ Tees

    lol dude you can chill, i get around 10 % of the profit from these shirts. I make like two-three dollars. Now, if you personally made the game maybe you could talk but..
  9. RkKA

    Unofficial DayZ Tees

    lol i have admitted exactly what you said in previous posts and i hardly care, t shirt companies do this all the time. get over it.
  10. RkKA

    Unofficial DayZ Tees

    not bad but i didn't want to directly take something iconic like that and put it on a tee. It took you three minutes because you slapped it on there... i could've got the original dayz logo and done the same.
  11. RkKA

    Unofficial DayZ Tees

    You're entitled to your opinion, but unfortunately at this point in time hacking is a part of the game and this particular hack i find funny. The other day i was in a server and it happened for the first time. You seem more upset about the fact i referenced a hack but i would very much so like to see you make something better. You can check the prices on the site i'm pretty sure it'll tell you all of that info. pretty much trying to make an extra buck of two off people who will buy these. I'm a college student and i just threw these up on photoshop. I haven't seen anyone attempt anything like this so... Although its profiting from someone elses success this game atm has a bright future and im sure they'll make plenty of money. 80% of tee shirt designs from companies are based off others success, nike just released tees saying 'Gold Digging' based of the olympics. I didn't think it was a big deal not like im gonna make much anyways.
  12. Just looking to roll around dayz with a bunch of dudes, looking to start a camp somewhere get some good equipment then go do some hood rat stuff. Post here and we'll figure out a server once we have some ppl
  13. im down, what server u on?