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repeat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by repeat (DayZ)

  1. Map for SASPlanet ( http://sasgis.ru/2011/04/18/versiya-110418/#more-1516 ) Binding did not, but you can download the map pieces and use as you wish. Tags can also be set and transmit their coordinates or something like that. - Download SASPlanet; - Put into the Maps folder SASPlanet (where this folder is already there, just add my map); - Select a map, DayZ. p.s. I repeat, this is a sketch done for myself and decided to share, can be helpful. Map is downloaded to the cache and you can use the it instead of download every time ! Thanks http://www.gamesgeo.com/day-z/ (all tiles download from this site)
  2. repeat (DayZ)

    Name indicator

    bad idea
  3. repeat (DayZ)

    Name indicator

    like this - http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4444 2Admin: (attach my thread to this) no. what if i not want say my name?
  4. repeat (DayZ)

    Ask name

    Near player when you look at his (radius 20m) you can ask his name (in menu like "Ask name"). Player can say your name or silent. (My name is... /. Never mind)
  5. repeat (DayZ)

    Allow stmovement!

    What is reality? In reality, I can easily manage with a weapon in an enclosed room that the game is not even remotely re-create. @stmovement must have! (game must give me pleasure but not sex with something...)