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Everything posted by Zess

  1. Player information from the multyplay.co.uk website Server IP: Time: about 1735h (GMT+1) Admins online Zess, and Garl from the Survive-z clan We were in the process of having a discussion about the hacker issues we have had on our sever for the past few weeks. For example; (having every vehicle in the game spawn inside electro at once, Having hackers sitting outside the game map on a hill shooting us at our camp, constant teleporting of players to an island and detonating of satchel charges, finding spawned in crates inside of elecrto, cherno, Zelena... Invincible players....). While this discussion was going on, a guy spawned in front of us. We immediately open fire, and killed him. Upon Garl inspecting the corpse and checking his body we found an M4A1 Holo SD. His friend opened up fire with an AS50 from well outside the map, in the waistland. Killing me, Garl then was able to turn and kill him. His body instantly disappeared before he had a chance to move over and inspect his gear as well. zaxap52 is the player in the screenshot link below, and his friend ДьÑк (ABRK showen ingame) was his friend who died and despawned his corpes. http://steamcommunit...6&insideModal=1 This problem with hackers has been going on for weeks now. We though these two player were normal because they were regulars on our server. After seeing this a lot of these issues we have been having are making more sense, seeing as they normally happened with one or both of them online. These players are currently changing there names and trying to reconnect to our server. As a result of the Dayz rules we have not banned them form the server, we are only chain kicking them after referancing their Global ID. The following information is their Name, IP, and Global ID; zaxap52 : : 502cf5fdc8d7b9c79c745dd17ed37b1f ДьÑк : : f2f4060e90e8ed0bc7c26a1dc3f0beef
  2. Hey all, just wondering how we might be able to get rid of all the horded vehicals / tents / barbed wire / sandbags... and start with a fresh server reboot? There are vehical horders / a number of dupers on our server that we wish to try and prevent. Vehicals are for everyone not a select few who find them and hide them... we have some regulars who have never been in a vehical let alone drive one, so we are trying to increase there exeriance. We have a hosted server from Clanforge, if anyone might be able to help with a way to do this we at survive-z.com would appreicate it.
  3. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Morning all, I'm back with a fresh respawn. Currently Elektro with limited supplies but were open for busness again. Will be able to offer food, and medical supplies to patients again when i find a larger pack. Sorry for that inconveniance but i will do my best to offer what i can spare. I'll only be able to do a few patients at a time for now also. Sry NWAF ppl... still not set to go on that treck unless i find a car. Add me if you need assistance. Steam / Skype
  4. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    His Steam ID is MeanThanatos, if any medics are in the vicinity let him know. Hes logged off because hes at 2500 blood, broken bones, and bleeding badly. I can only pray another medic can get to him. I'm ok with dieing, but i am not alright with losing a patient...
  5. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic down... 5 casualties saved, before the dreaded graphical glitch got me killed... We still have a casualty in desprit need of assistance in the NW Airfeild's fire station. if any medics are around the area and can assist him. I'll be out of commision for the night because of this death.
  6. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Oh my... your right there are a lot of Zess's or variations of it... I'll change it to Medic Zess
  7. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Outcast if you add me on steam i can make my way to you as soon as i patch up Gloodizzle
  8. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Gloodizzle, I am just down the road from your location if your still in need of support.
  9. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm now online, and ready to move out for anyone who is in need of some treatment let me know, I can make my way to your location. Just add me on Steam / Skype. Current Loc = Kabanino
  10. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry i couldnt be more assistance to you Goodsoup, but i'm glad you were taken care of. =)
  11. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm just making my way to Kabanino now, if you can meet me there I would be more than willing to help, If you can move, as soon as I treat Krozlan I can come to you.
  12. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey Krozlan, I'm in stary Sobor right now, I am making my way up the road to Kabanino in a second, going to hit the supermaket first and see if i can scrounge up some food / water for you.
  13. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey guy's i'm a little far off near Stary Sobor, but if your still in need of assistance I can make my way over to you. Let me know, add me on steam/skype.
  14. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ausmisc did you sill need assistance?
  15. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    omw your way now Osloru88, add me on steam or skype if you could plz
  16. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Evening all, i'm still around. All finished resupplying my medical bag, and ready to move out form Cherno. Let me know if your still in need of friendly medic.
  17. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    at the medic tents in cherno, i was restocking my medical supplies when I ran into a zombie pack
  18. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Any other medics around cherno? Got myself into a sticky situation with a pack of zombies, need a transfusion myself.
  19. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    New Medic Reportign for duty! I'm Currently in Cherno add me if you need any assistance.
  20. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just wanting to put a big, Thank you out there to Trout, and Snortan. Very helpful, and made the transfusion quick and painless. Thanks again
  21. Zess

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey all, I'm new to the game only been playing for about a day now. I'm finally getting the hang of things in Dayz but I'm down to about 1200hp. I cant really move, and dont want to die yet again. If anyone would be willing to help out, I'm from Western Canada IRL, so anyone in the NW area that can help i would greatly appreicate. I have a blood bag, just need someone to team up with to administer it. Thanks
  22. Hey all, I'm new to the game only been playing for about a day now. I'm finally getting the hang of things in Dayz but I'm down to about 1200hp. I cant really move, and dont want to die yet again. If anyone would be willing to help out with a transfusion i would greatly appreciate it. I have a blood bag, just need someone to team up with to administer it. Thanks