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Everything posted by Playb0i

  1. I hit the volley button inside an open shipping container and it glitched me to a neighboring container...problem is the side that opens on that container is adjacent to a wall, now i'm stuck, I've tried logging into other servers hoping to start out back at the beach with no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Playb0i

    stuck in shipping container!

    thanks everyone, I'll keep trying to server hop
  3. I am quite experienced and can navigate easily. I am trying to find some survivors, no bandits. I want to start a good camp and raid towns and helo crashes for supplies. Finding a car would be cool too. My Skype I'd is play80i. I'm just getting bored. I'd like to find a chopper for once! Message me on here and we can team up! I like helping players in need but will also engage if fired upon. I'm 26 and live on the west coast. Current gear: Ghillie suit Range finders NVG m4a1 cco SD w/ammo Bizon SD w/ammo 1911 pistol Coyote backpack Gps All survival gear
  4. I try my best to avoid immature children lol
  5. Ive been playing for about a month now, I am no pro but I am very familiar with survival tactics and loot locations. I can find helo crash spawns fairly easily. I am currently ghillied, coyote backpack and I carry a m249 saw, m4A1 cco, and m24 on my regular runs with about 500+ rounds of ammo at all times. I would prefer someone with some gear but wouldnt mind even helping out a dedicated noob. I want to play with fairly ambitious players. I can supply you with many other weapons and rare sniper rifles from my little cache of weapons I have :). I do not enjoy killing other players unless fired upon. Please reply to the thread, I'm getting a Skype account set up later tonight. I am sick of running around solo and hate other players killing me on sight even when I am trying to help them succeed. I need a few guys to play so we can watch each others back!