Ive been playing for about a month now, I am no pro but I am very familiar with survival tactics and loot locations. I can find helo crash spawns fairly easily. I am currently ghillied, coyote backpack and I carry a m249 saw, m4A1 cco, and m24 on my regular runs with about 500+ rounds of ammo at all times. I would prefer someone with some gear but wouldnt mind even helping out a dedicated noob. I want to play with fairly ambitious players. I can supply you with many other weapons and rare sniper rifles from my little cache of weapons I have :). I do not enjoy killing other players unless fired upon. Please reply to the thread, I'm getting a Skype account set up later tonight. I am sick of running around solo and hate other players killing me on sight even when I am trying to help them succeed. I need a few guys to play so we can watch each others back!