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Lan Leonhart

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Everything posted by Lan Leonhart

  1. We welcome all you legitimate players out there to our server. We're currently setting up our trading post and sorting things out. Check out our forums, register! We also have a teamspeak drop in and say hello! I'd like to personally add that I used to play solo this game. I really wanted a group to roll with where everyone was pretty laid back and no one was down each others throats. I can say that my time spent with the Swift-Gaming group and their colony server has been some of the greatest times on Day Z. If you're an open minded legitimate player you'll make a great fit. Just jump in team speak and start meeting the community! Teamspeak address: swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org Regarding issues and complaints please contact Hunter Dartanian Lan Leonart via teamspeak
  2. It was my home base server. I was wondering if anyone had information on why it's been down.
  3. Lan Leonhart

    Traders and Traitors

    We need to get this thread pinned.
  4. Lan Leonhart

    Traders and Traitors

    I had an excellent trade with Zombiebait. We met at the designated location, the trade went smoothly not problems. I would certainly be willing to trade with him in the future, I'd recommend others to as well.
  5. Lan Leonhart

    Trading guns/ammo for medical supplies

    I have medical supplies and I'm willing to trade for the m16 add me on steam Lan Leonhart or skype jobrien900