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About ShortBusHero

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  1. ShortBusHero

    Bandit seeking Bandit

    Hello bandits! I am 16 and i'm looking for a few 14+ yrs. old players to play DayZ with. I'm experienced and I have no lag on ultra on any server so I don't care if you play European servers (i live in US) looking for social people that know what a joke is and aren't awkward as fuck. must have a mic!!! I generally use skype or TS3 pm me your skype or comment it whatever. hope to raid bitches with you soon -Sam
  2. ShortBusHero

    Looking for a bandit team or people

    i'll team with both of you and i have skype
  3. ShortBusHero

    Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of 3

    i'm 16, can be serious if playing tactically, and funny when playing casually. You said 18+ but if you want a mature experienced player then hit me up.
  4. add me on skype samt904. i'm 16, experienced, no lag on ultra settings, and i have the same problem as far as my rl friends not playing.
  5. ShortBusHero

    FREE dayz loot/gear giveaway!!!

    free stuff? hellz yeah! skype/teamspeak/mumble name?
  6. ShortBusHero

    Geared player looking for clan/squad

    btw I have skype, teamspeak, a mic, and i'm in US central time.
  7. ShortBusHero

    Explorable shipwrecks !

    this would be great for arma 3 with the addition of scuba diving
  8. I'm 16 and looking for a squad of experienced players to roam with. I've been in clans governed by immature little kids and hopefully your clan is more organized. My gear: M4 CCO w/ 9 mags M14 AIM w/ 2 mags Coyote backpack medical supplies 4 grenades etc. i can snipe, rush, medic, any role you need and i've been playing cod, battlefield, and paintball for years so i'm good with military tactics. I hope to raid some noob camps with you soon -Sam