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About Bearderus

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. All of the aspects that have been lost over time to trigger happy COD players.
  2. Bearderus

    DayZ night time + gamma

    I'd rather run in pitch black or not play at all than have my gamma and brightness jacked up.
  3. Bearderus

    Why hack?

    Don't flatter them, they are nothing close to hackers.
  4. Bearderus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    Calling somebodies play-style 'stoopid' is stupid.
  5. Bearderus

    Where is your DayZ "home"?

    I live in a bush over-watching the NWAF.
  6. Bearderus

    Y u no like having nice weapon?

    I don't know if the weapons are the issue (They don't just up and disappear as time goes on), but ammo definitely is all too common.
  7. Bearderus

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    I'm also a bandit, I'll kill anybody armed and I'll never lie about being friendly whether I feel I can come out on top or not. My comment was directed towards the OP who not only tricked somebody into trusting him just to kill him, but made a thread broadcasting his pathetic tactics only to be commended by other 'bandits'. Or perhaps just a few individuals not up to par with their sarcasm.
  8. Bearderus

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    'Bandits' that lurk on the coast killing newspawns are more deserving of the title than somebody who has to lie about being friendly to get the upper hand.
  9. Loot needs to be changed drastically. DRASTICALLY. You should feel like god wielding a makarov with a mag or two.
  10. Bearderus

    Is the Ghillie Suit Worth It?

    It doesn't matter whether you look like a bandit or a survivor, 9 out of 10 people will shoot you either way.
  11. Bearderus

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    Shoot on sight Shoot to kill.
  12. Bearderus

    Should I???

    The real question is.. Do you need the communities input on something like this? If you can afford it and want to get it, simply get it.
  13. Bearderus

    Is there any decent gear in cherno??

    I've found all kinds of the m4 variant guns in the military tents behind the hospital. The firehouse in both Elecktro and Cherno spawn military loot, I've found an m24 is Elecktro firehouse a couple of times.
  14. Bearderus

    jumping through different maps?

    If I'm correct you're asking if you can play on say, Chernarus, switch to a Lingor server (just examples) and go back to said Chernarus server at a later date and have your equipment/start where you left off? Yes.