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About damnzeds1

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  1. damnzeds1

    Problems after updating beta patch?

    How do I update manually?
  2. So ever since I started playing DayZ I have been using the DayZ Commander program and it has worked great! But recently, I was going through my usual process of checking for updates to my versions. It said I needed to update my beta patch to 95883. I did that and immediately only saw around 3 servers I could play on. When I go to play I can never get past the loading screen (stays on the screen for around 15 min so I close it). This has only started happening since I have updated to the beta patch 95883. What could be causing this and how do I fix this? Thanks in advance! :lol: :beans:
  3. Age - 16 Yes I'm mature Have all major communications Gear List - Hatchet, hunting knife, matches, binoculars, entrenching tool, map, military flashlight, watch, compass, ALICE pack Main Weapon - M4A1 CCO Side Arm - PDW (think I need some ammo though) Medical - Not sure of the amounts of everything but I have all medical supplies except for antibiotics and epi-pen Dosier - Don't kill on sight unless they don't answer friendly in around a second, quick loots (run into a building and hide to lose zombies then pick up loot and stealth out), Scout before i run in, Have been playing for about a week, EST Position - Anything except recon really
  4. I'm not sure if you are still looking for players but I'm fifteen and am experienced with this mod. My character is up north and has medical supplies, almost all of the tools, and an M4A1 CCO. I'm on the east coast of the US and would love to team up with some people and play regularly. Thanks! :lol:
  5. I'm interested in it but what time zone are you in? :thumbsup:
  6. If it was this easy wouldnt it already be disabled?
  7. Hey you are exactly what im looking for ill add you my skype is mdforthree
  8. I feel like this game would be better with a/a few buddies. Im relatively new to the mod but I'm learning quick. I'm looking for anyone who is fresh off or by the coast as I do not want to run 3/4 of the way to the airfield to be sniped just trying to meet up with someone. Post here and send a request to my steam - mdforthree. Thanks! B)
  9. All right anyone who wants to start fresh or at least rather early (I dont wanna have to book it up north with a hatchet) can add my steam (mdforthree). B)
  10. Anyone wanna start out together with new characters?
  11. Hey everyone, I'm just looking for some other new players to team up with. I feel like this game would be much easier with a few buddies. If you are interested just post here and we will figure something out. Thanks! :D