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Everything posted by petko

  1. Greetings! If I may, I would like to drop in a few remark on the zombie spawn system. You must know that for me, I also joined up now with the 1.5.7., so I don't have much information on the previous version and what was different then with less zombies. But I must point out, that I think it would be much better for the sake of the game flow and player satisfaction, that a town or installation could be cleared out entirely, that no Z respawns there while the player(s) are there. It really annoying, when the Z-s constantly spawn somewhere, and the player can just kill them until infinity. Or they just spawn 5 meters further on the corner unexpectedly. I think a good solution would be, to not let any Z to respawn in the 500m area of a player, and don’t let any respawn happen in this “touched” area (even after the player leaves) for at least a half an hour. They would still appear in the untouched towns, installations while the player(s) are approaching in the ring made between the visibility distance radius - and the 500m radius. But after they are killed there, they won’t respawn if the player(s) stays there, and even if he leaves they will only reappear for the next visitor(s) after 30 mins. In turn, there should be Z spawning (in the mentioned ring around the player in the “untouched” area) anywhere besides built areas (so I mean forests, country roads, farmlands etc.) in a noise like pattern with a low probability factor. All my ideas come from the thought on a possible future outcome of the game, where in this semi-MMO type world, maybe player build little outposts, trading hubs, clan bases etc. could evolve. (if that’s possible with the 50-100 player limited instances). Zombies should not spawn in a player controlled area. But also in the future, this could develop into Z raids, to make a meaning for defending such position. For example a player controlled town, installation etc. is occasionally attacked by Z raids, which consist of (maybe multiple) groups of 10-30 Z which spawn in the far "untouched" 500-2000m ring region and they get themselves an attack waypoint to converge on the position of the town or installation. There could be also a sparse ring formation spawning all around and converging on the center. I hope my writing is comprehensible enough on what I wanted to say.
  2. petko

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    Maybe you could consult with Benny (maker of Warefare BE), what kind of code was causing the same type of fps drop in his mission.
  3. petko

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    I'm saying that this fps drop has no connection to your pc specs.. the problem does not occur at your side. It can be some scripting glitch that causes the server cpu to overload, and that drops the fps for the clients. So although it seems as a graphical problem, it is not. This happened all the time in Arma 2 missions, like Warefare BE etc.
  4. petko

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    As being a veteran arma player, I can tell you that this is not caused by your graphics card, pc configuration etc., but by an overloaded (cpu) server. You can always try it, just press singleplayer in the menu, editor, place yourself by double clicking wherever you want, and press preview... and viola it will run smooth. I also had this fps drop on two servers, but on the third it was fine.
  5. It didn't seem to change much. I just hope, that I'm not the one, whom Rocket is calling carebare. Hopefully in the long term mine and his concept on the game mechanism will come together. If the zombies respawn in an area constantly, then the players can't achieve the statisfaction of clearing the area out. It's just frustrating if they just keep coming, until the ammo runs out. And honeslty, I'm the unfortunate one, who doesn't like to sneak around forever. Never really liked the stealth oriented games.
  6. OK, thank you! I will do that!
  7. petko

    Radio tool

    actually by default thats how arma works... you cant use the sidechat until you have a radio item in the inventory, just the direct chat imho this should be the same... or move maybe a bit towards acre (its an awsome ts3 radio addon for arma) style system with frequencies, relay towers etc.