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Everything posted by Waverunner

  1. Signed up. Looking forward to playing with you guys!
  2. Played on it for a few minutes last night. Seems like a good server. I don't like starting out with much so I just dropped my weapon :P
  3. Waverunner

    hacker putting music to play

    This guy came after another livestreamer it seems. This time with more teleporting.
  4. Waverunner

    hacker putting music to play

    Watch the 2nd part to that video. He teleports inside the car. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M1Bb6d297Y
  5. Waverunner

    hacker putting music to play

    This same exact thing happened to me. It was late at night too. Scared me half to death.
  6. Oh my gosh this thread... /popcorn Racism or not, just read the admins translated reply. Obviously a dick admin and needs to be blacklisted.
  7. Waverunner

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    I bought this game yesterday and it was at about 930k people. I must say that this is the most amazing mod I have ever played. Well done.
  8. Rofl so obvious. Get him out of this game. People like Jarl ruin this game.