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Everything posted by Myth`~

  1. ZDB is right, casual games are good for the industry, you're confusing casual with mainstream. To clarify, take the company EA that you mentioned and their upcoming title Dead Space 3. They stated recently that they feel the franchise has suffered in sales because it was too scary. Meaning, they want to make it more mainstream. I'll just say it really simple because this is how I feel about it; 'By making games more mainstream, it just means you're catering to every level of idiocy and stupidity and ensure that every 10 year old and their retarded little brother can play your games.' Casual is NOT mainstream. Casual is GOOD. Mainstream is a kick in the balls for loyal fans and a stepping stone for retards into the online communities.
  2. One of the many problems with the industry, and by extension developers themselves, today is that they're scared to try something new. They don't want to spend the budget of the next Modern Warfare on something that might turn a profit or not. they'd rather make that same new Modern Warfare that they know people will buy. Creativity and innovation have been moved down the list for projected sales reports.
  3. In b4 complaints about Alt+F4 and hackers. Also, I know that feel bro. GJ.
  4. I went to your Monolith not 7 days ago. I shall not speak of the horrors I endured, the truths I have learned. But afterwards, when I regained my mind, I was in the Pogorevka church, crouching with my hand stretched out reaching for Mountain dew. I do not need to join, your Monolith has blessed, and at the same time, cursed me.
  5. Myth`~

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    Much love to the mods. Just need someone to throw beans at.
  6. Myth`~

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    The sheer stupidity in this thread is amazing.
  7. Myth`~

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    Most of the time an issue like this is more related to the engine not being coded to take full use of SLI. I'm running on 2x GTX680's and I never hit more then 60% on both cards, though that might just be the card's raw power talking.
  8. Myth`~

    farewell :(

    You stalk the Gotham night.
  9. You guys couldn't even kill the moron that pissed himself in X16, hope you got your shit together now.
  10. You realise that is the exact same whiskey bottle the pilot of OP's helicopter drank 30 minutes before taking off and subsequently crashing the heli. You are holding the very item that spelled doom for 2 innocent souls. It's very existence is disgusting and should be destroyed to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again ... ... can I have it?
  11. Myth`~

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I personally would like zombies to remain in DayZ on the condition that Rocket changes their model to the Heavy from TF2 and yell out at maximum volume; 'CRY SUM MOAR' when they are chasing players and/or hitting them. Edit: Hurr lexicon.
  12. Share tales of awe and courage while cooking a nice hot meal of beans sitting around a comfy campfire. Or slit his throath while he sleeps and watch the life fade away from his eyes as he breathes his last and cursed your name for all eternity.
  13. Myth`~

    Good Video Card Upgrade

    A GTX680 will chew through any game. Slap a 2nd one on in SLI like I did and any game on the market, and coming out next year, will shit itself sideways.
  14. Myth`~

    Mountain Dew? I drank it...

    Been carrying Mountain Dew for 8 in-game days now. All good. Of course this is Dew the Mountain itself has blessed me with so I don't know what's up with your mortal kind of Dew.
  15. Pretty obvious self-explanatory no? Interested? PM me on steam and we'll work out the details. http://steamcommunity.com/id/alchemyth
  16. Myth`~

    Trading Ghillie suit for NVG

    Trade already done.
  17. Myth`~

    thinking of buying a gaming pc and need advice

    I ... you ... how do i ... why is ... ugh. I'm getting a headache just contemplating for an answer to this.
  18. I never saw the point of having more then 1 primary on your person at all times ... I feel naked without having spare ammo, spare food and drinks and medical supplies and a tent in my pack. Still, good luck to those entering ... I guess.
  19. Step 1. Delete System 32 folder Step 2. Get massive speed boost. Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit!
  20. The principle behind both situations is the same, being condemed for someone elses actions. Just because you now have the gun doesn't make you a murderer, I'm not comparing the actual facts. Try and think before you act.
  21. Myth`~

    My Mobile Cowww'ver LOL (vid)

    She went with songs to the battle, she was young. Straight of limb and tail, true of eyes, steady and aglow. She was staunch to the end against odds uncounted, She fell with her faces to the foe. She shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary her, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember her. Lest we forget.
  22. Myth`~

    Bestest story in tha whole worldz.

    Still better then Twilight. Beans for you.
  23. Your father murdered someone with a gun and gets convicted. You somehow end up with the gun and want to get rid of it, but you understand you can forget about the past and better the present for yourself by trading it. Does that make you as bad as your father?
  24. Myth`~

    Green Mt.

    You don't want Mountain Dew. The Mountain gave me the Dew. For what reason, I don't know. All I know is that I haven't slept easy since then. It's the tower you see. It's always there. In your dreams, your nightmares, in your mind. The Dew is connected to 'that' place. I've tried to get rid of it, but I can't, it won't let itself be abandoned. Now I wander Chernarus, constantly moving, trying to evade the towers look, and if fate allows it, free myself from this curse.