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Everything posted by Averagerider

  1. Averagerider

    New to DayZ, help needed.

    1. Play on veteran servers. Seems to be less hackers. 2. Always use direct chat. 3. Always avoid confrontations if possible. Don't just run at people screaming "friendly". 4. Use trees as cover when approaching loot-able areas instead of running through fields. 5. Try to avoid looting buildings with only once entrance. Zombies will easily trap you. 6. Turn your gamma up all the way when playing at night. Do not use a flashlight, you will be visible for miles. 7. Items to always pick up: Toolbox, hatchet, compass, map, matches, and a hunting knife because they fill up different inventory slots. 8. Try to put non essential items in your back pack instead of filling up your inventory. Having open slots in your inventory allows you to quickly pick up items if you are in a pinch. Also, I would recommend playing some wasteland (it is an arma 2 mission). This is basically a team death match and will improve your combat and stealth skills. Many new DayZ players panic in gun-on-gun situations. I'm no pro, but pm me if you wanna team up. I am a friendly-type player.
  2. Averagerider

    DayZ Invasion 1944: The Springfield

    I feel the lack of scopes create faster and more up close game play... A nice change from the normal DayZ.