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About OkWhatever

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OkWhatever

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Yeah because this forum is filled with great people. Better idea stop posting these stupid threads about cheaters and hackers obviously the development team is aware of the issues. We don't need anymore of these crap threads cluttering up the forums taking up space that could be used for green mountain discussions.
  2. OkWhatever

    Global Bans for legit players?

    This pretty much sums up my feelings, although I don't think I answered the rhetorical question way you intended.
  3. OkWhatever

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I just saw someone get kicked for modified "face.jpg". Just saying, personally I haven't been kicked or banned. Also, I would imagine it is possible to be kicked/banned for modified files regardless of if you ever used them in a battle-eye enabled server possibly some obscure registry key something didn't clean up. I'd revert any modified files let someone else be the test subject.
  4. OkWhatever

    Duping: 3/4 of High Level Gear is Duplicated

    Guy joins private hive server. Side Chat (New Player): "Why the hell did I die!" Side Chat (Other Player): "Private Hive..." Side Chat (New Player): "Why the hell did you kill me I has a AS50!!!!!11" Side Chat (Other Player): "You character is still on the other server just not on this one...." Side Chat (New Player): "...." Side Chat (New Player): "LF hacker"
  5. OkWhatever

    All the hacker posts you make.

    I'm tired of people making threads that are not about hackers. Every single new thread on this forum should be about hackers. It's like your unaware Rocket got owned with a thunderdome twice during a live interview. Here's the alpha testing results for the week: Your regulations for server admins are stupid and will not work with this trash engine. The idea of a public hive is dead. Arma 2 is a huge piece of crap and no one cares. Someone else is going to take your idea and make a lot of money.
  6. OkWhatever

    Everyones bitching :(

    Yeah, it's not like the games creator got Thunderdomed twice during a livestream Machinima interview, the amount of cheaters in the last week has escalated to borderline corporate espionage levels, with public hive servers now dying as a result, and meanwhile the response from the developers has been nothing short of flaccid. I mean if that happened every single thread on this form should be about cheaters.