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Pwny (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Pwny (DayZ)

  1. Pwny (DayZ)

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Of course it's not a reason. Though I'd rather decrease my enthusiasm about it, for the sake of the non-bronies. Alright, let me get this straight. Socially active, Has a job, Relationship, YET he is 'fucked', because... he watches a TV show? while trying to process your statement, I started to feel a bit dizzy and light-headed. I think my brain went to safe-mode from all of the stupid.
  2. I didn't even fix the Loading issue ,and I got another one. I'm from the Middle East, playing mostly in France / Germany servers. The ping goes from 80 to 130. The screenshot explains everything: No, I don't have any kind of filter on what-so-ever. It only happens when I launch the game through Six Updater. Any help? ;_;
  3. I love dis mode, been playing a shitload of time. Now I can't do it, because my screen freezes on the loading part every time, on every server. yellow "Loading" Text, and a yellow full loading bar above it. I tried Re-downloading the patch, re-downloading the beta patch, EVERYTHING. I followed those two threads- http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/69584-how-tofix-the-stucked-loading-screen-steam-version/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/69586-fix-stuck-on-loading-screen/ Did it, still nothing. I'm running DayZ version, and 883 beta patch. I got the game through steam. And help with that? :\
  4. Pwny (DayZ)

    Stuck at "Loading" Screen.

    Damn, I feel stupid >< Works, Thanks! <3
  5. Pwny (DayZ)

    Stuck at "Loading" Screen.

    ‎136 MB
  6. Pwny (DayZ)

    Stuck at "Loading" Screen.

    I'm going to try and re-download the whole game tomorrow. Lets see what will happen.
  7. Pwny (DayZ)

    What does Mountain Dew do?

    I drank one. Tasted like collectors tears.
  8. I tried, doesn't work :\ Though I'm getting to DayZ directly through Steam and not by Six or something
  9. Pwny (DayZ)

    Stuck in "Loading" screen!

    Happens to me too. The game is currently unplayable to me. You deserve to be stuck at the loading screen.