I haven't played Dayz in months and wanted to join a vanilla server. Every time the game loads it ends up closing, leaving me with this message; Error: include file z\addons\dayz_code\gui\description.hpp not found No idea how to fix this so if anyone can give me some advice i would appreciate it! Thanks
Okay man, thanks for the reply. I've been playing DE1088 for a day or so but it happens every time I join it and I play solo so unless they are friendly (most of the time is shoot on site) I won't be able to get epi penned.
On a few servers i have played earlier today (one of which is DE 1088) i spawn with my character knocked unconscious with a near 10 minute hourglass wait. If anyone has the same problem and/or knows how to fix this bug i would appreciate the help. Thanks.
Looking for a small group to play DayZ with ive been playing for a few days now and i know the basics, im from the UK so would prefer players from the UK but i dont care where your from. Add me on skype and steam or reply to this topic if you are interested. Thanks. Skype: Sandybeachesgandhiburgerbeaches (i suggest u copy and paste!) Steam: Sandyb1995
i am 17, from the UK. Been playing DayZ for about 2 days i know the basics however, it can get boring playing alone so i would appreciate the company. Skype: Sandybeachesgandhiburgerbeaches (i suggest u copy and paste!) Steam: Sandyb1995