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About Astaa

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Great Britain
  1. Astaa


    Ah the good old internet gaming cafe swiz. No, you cheated...bye.
  2. Astaa

    I'm seriously done.

    There are no hackers in Dayz, just children copy and pasting scripts, better known as "script kiddies"
  3. Astaa

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    Just run about and collect the stuff you need. No point sneaking when you have nothing. I generally only give a shit when I have a decent gun and NVG. Anything else can be got in an hour or so. ...and yeah, the very best place to get loot is badly hidden camps.
  4. Astaa

    How do you loot?

    sprint everywhere, it is so easy to lose agro that it's pointless to sneak.
  5. I tend to find a lot of AK ammo at firestations. My current weapon of choice is an AK Kobra. Ammo isn't as hard to find as some of the other weapons but there is plenty to be found, I rarely run out of ammo and only really use it when things go a bit south. Edit, the STANAG ammo is useful for quite a lot of guns, if you have the bag space then keep it. I do like the Enfield though, it kept me company for a long time before I dared go North
  6. Yeah, it's much better. Still get it now and again but nowhere near the frequency that it happened before.
  7. Astaa

    How do you handle insane aggro?

    Just run around, collecting them all up and then run into a two door house and out the back. You can then move on to the building you want to loot in relative safety.
  8. Seriously. Just delete 6 launcher and use DayZ Commander, it's leagues ahead.
  9. Astaa

    Loot farming?

    Easier to go North and rob peoples camps.
  10. Astaa

    Why do scripts exist?

    Yeah. The whole point of ArmA is military simulation. The scripting is so that people can design their own scenarios, spawn things in on the fly etc. Setting up a battle basically. It's a side effect of using the ArmA engine...hopefully the stand alone will be locked down a lot more.
  11. Just tried to join (without even seeing this thread) kicked straight away.
  12. Astaa

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    I found one in a tent, had a lot of fun with it until some script kiddie killed everyone on the server.
  13. Astaa

    To all server admins

    I don't think server admins should be able to global ban players, simply because there are too many douchebag admins. They should have better tools to report players though. I also have no problem with people passwording their servers. If it stops the script kiddies then surely it's a bonus?
  14. Astaa

    Stuck at server Loading, just me?

    The problem is that if you ctrl+alt+delete and quit out, half the time you end up spawning on the beach again...
  15. Astaa

    Limiting Hacking through Encouraging Hacking

    You two clowns should go on some stupid local radio.