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Everything posted by bloodofthedragon

  1. If you like check us out and see if we are what your looking for http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php
  2. bloodofthedragon

    Need group. +18 prefered danish/english speaking.

    All you have to do to become a Regulator is head over to our forums and sign up! Introduce yourself, then add the [Regulator] tag to your name. that's it. Hope to see you there!
  3. bloodofthedragon

    Lone wolf needs pack :(

    Have a look here http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php and see if we might be what you are looking for. Stay safe out there!
  4. bloodofthedragon

    Need group. +18 prefered danish/english speaking.

    We are global, However our EU players are the most numerous and active. [Regulator]Lone Warrior is probably our most active EU player. If you are interested he has posted a lot of his missions on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/LoneWarrior0
  5. Hello Lazee, Check us out http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php Our EU based players are some of our most active/numerous and we are always looking for trustworthy motivated players. As long as you can abide by our rules of not shooting innocents you would be most welcome. Cheers and good luck out there! ETA: watched you vid, You seem like good people! Coordinated, calm, effective. You are exactly what were looking for.
  6. bloodofthedragon

    I'm a day or two old - learning fast, but lonely

    Hello Andy! Have a look here and see if we are up your alley. http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php Stay safe out there!
  7. bloodofthedragon

    Need group. +18 prefered danish/english speaking.

    Check us out and see if we are what your looking for. http://regulators.fr...s.org/index.php Good luck and stay safe out there! ETA: We do have some younger players, but the bulk of us are 18+ those that are not are mature and trustworthy.
  8. bloodofthedragon

    looking for a group/clan

    If anyone here is interested check this group out http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php We have quite a few members in the UK and we always welcome motivated friendlies.
  9. bloodofthedragon

    Looking for someone to team up with

    If you are interested I'm sure our group would love to have you! http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php Or UK based cell is quite active lately and you sound like just the kind of person they would want. Good luck and stay safe out there!
  10. bloodofthedragon

    looking for clan/somebody to play with

    Hello Chillnkill, If you are looking to join a clan of friendlies check here http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php Good luck and stay safe out there!
  11. bloodofthedragon

    Player Available - UK

    If you would like to join a clan of lone wolf style do-gooders take a look here http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php and see if this might be what you're looking for.
  12. bloodofthedragon

    Computer Spec's

    My PSU has the dedicated high amp rails required for both my CPU and GPU and besides that I was futureproofing.
  13. bloodofthedragon

    Computer Spec's

    HI Badger, My comp is only a bit more powerfull than yours and I run it just fine. 3.0ghz dual core, 2 gigs ram, HDradeon 4890. The thing that might screw you is the power requirments for better CPU's/cards I had to dish out over 90$ for a good 800watt supply that could run my card. And you may not be able to squeez a full size ATX PSU into your case. Choose carefully, you don't want to sink your limited budget into parts that don't play well together.
  14. bloodofthedragon

    Looking for a team?

    Hello Howard, If you are interesed in a clan of friendlies check us out http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php We are built on an independant/lone wolf structure but there are larger groups within our clan that play together quite often. Cheers!
  15. Check us out http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php Lots of friendlies, some right in your back yard!
  16. bloodofthedragon

    Are there actual friendly people out there...

    If you're looking for a friendly group to roll with, check us out. http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php
  17. bloodofthedragon

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    A wonderful idea! Do-Gooders of the wastes I salute you.
  18. bloodofthedragon

    Looking for "hero" clan

    Hello Bunge, You sound like you would fit right in with us. http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php
  19. bloodofthedragon

    Regulators 25:17

    The path of the rightous man is beset on all sides by the inequity of the PK'rs and the tyranny of evil hackers. Blessed is he who in the valley of darkness shelters his brother, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost sheep. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengence and furious anger those who attempt tp poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know our name is Regulator when we lay our vengence upon thee. (bang bang bang bang bang) lol
  20. bloodofthedragon

    US Marine LFG (sorry if wrong section )

    Check these guys out http://dayzmod.com/f...serviceretired/ Seems like you would be a good fit! ETA: Semper Fi
  21. bloodofthedragon

    Looking for friendlys and a quick question.

    Not a problem! If you ever change your mind, you know where to find us. Good luck and stay safe out there!
  22. bloodofthedragon

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    My pleasure, If there is ever enything else I can do to help you please don't hesitate to send me a PM. I belong to a group called "Regulators" and helping people is what we do. So if I can't help you directly, I'm sure we could find someone who could.
  23. bloodofthedragon

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Found them. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36233-us-military-team-building-active-dutyreserveprior-serviceretired/
  24. bloodofthedragon

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Hello MisfitOEF, First off thank you for choosing to protect the rest of us. Secondly, Somewhere buried in the survivorHQ section is a group comprised completly of current/retired military personnel, sounds like they might be right up your alley!
  25. Hello Zallic, Many of our members over here http://regulators.freeforums.org/index.php joined for those very same reasons.