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Everything posted by Sires

  1. So here's the story. I was in Cherno and I saw a bus drive up to me. I tried to get in but it was gone.So I figured that was weird. Than it came again. So I got in and we started flying everywhere. It was pretty fun. We saw this guy outside the bus. I said get in. He didn't respond. Later he was talking in side chat about how i was the hacker. So then I got banned. I Know I never should have gotten in that bus. My name is Sires.
  2. I know, I never should have been with them. I still didn't do anything. Couldn't the admin have seen that I didn't script or done anything? You could say some innocent person picks up a hacked weapon, and according to you Welch they should get banned. When you pick up a hacked weapon you could say you interacted in hacking activities. IP: - server Name: 24/7 Daylight - 150+ Vehicles - ( [VETERAN CH:ON][GMT+3] Private Hive - GamerExit.com | DayZ.ST
  3. I don't know if this in the right section, but is there?
  4. I like what post processing does when I stand, but when I run, it turns all blurry, I hate it. Is there any way to turn this part off? TY
  5. Is there any way to like mess with the files, and change them?
  6. Sires

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks AlphaStalker! :)
  7. Sires

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i still need help! please
  8. Sires

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I sent you a FR AlphaStalker
  9. Sires

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone, i dont have a mic or skype so help though
  10. Sires

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need help im bleeding and I broke my bone and shaking, im in the electro school house. help
  11. I just found a M4A1 and I want to change it to auto so how?
  12. My brother can see and hear people talk, I cant why?
  13. That exactly happened to me, except i was with my bro. ^
  14. Sires

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need help please, im at cherno and im bleeding, i need health and painkillers and bandages. help!
  15. I reset my game options, i'm in 40m. And I still cant hear or see people talk?!
  16. I've tried a lot of things, what is the correct way?
  17. Sires

    easy way to install DayZ :)

    How would one go about that?