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About Freeker

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  1. I definitely recommend this server to new players! Very nice group of knowledgeable players to play with and talk to on teamspeak. Very good place to learn then game and eventually call your home!
  2. Awesome server! Full of helpful people and also some bandits if that's your thing! Come join us :)
  3. Freeker

    I love this game

    My only problem now is finding ammo and med supplies again. I have no clue where I am :P
  4. Freeker

    I love this game

    So I've been playing for a few days. The first two, I died a lot. I mean A LOT. Most of the deaths came from mistakingly trusting someone for more than 5 seconds. The others came from those damned Olympic runner zombies that chase you until you die of thirst or they catch you. I found one gun, some Pepsi and no food. Then it happened....I managed to learn enough and stay alive long enough to get myself armed and get the equipment I needed to keep myself alive. Once this happened I just ran as far as I could north. At one point, I got some zombies on me and ended up with about 1000 blood. It was dark, raining and I was in the middle of a forest alone. I had a blood pack but no one to use it on me and no map to tell someone where I was. All I knew was that I made sure the compass said north and ran. My vision was blurry and I knew I needed to get my blood back up ASAP so I chopped a tree and headed out to a field. I was passing out once in a while so I knew I didn't have much time....I needed to find an animal. Im up on a little hill and I see some movement in the distance. Getting a little closer I see more movement.....its a sheep!!! I toss my wood on the ground and start gutting my kill. The meat gets me to about 5000 blood, enough to find another animal or two and stock up. I run west to another field and spot 2 more sheep. My blood is back to 12000 now and I'm ready to continue my adventure. I have never played a game that has taken me to the point of writing a forum post about killing and eating a sheep. I can describe this to anyone else and they wouldn't think much of it...yea so what I killed a sheep and ate it. Only people that have played dayz can understand. I can't wait to see what other situations I end up in. This game/mod is amazing.
  5. Might be a dumb question, but how do i connect to your server? I'm using dayzcommander
  6. Freeker

    A few questions

    Thank you very much :D Going to try the prone method. The hunt for matches begins!
  7. Freeker

    A few questions

    Thanks for the reply :D One more thing I forgot, Is there a quick way to kill yourself if say your lost in a forest and no zombies are around? I can't like the re spawn button and the restart button does not seem to do anything.
  8. Freeker

    A few questions

    Ok so, played for about 3-4 hours so far, not much I know. The mod is awesome and I already recommended it to a few of my buddies. There are a few things that kind of piss me off though, so maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. 1. Is a big part of the game supposed to be running for your life into a random forest? Every time I start a new game, I try my best to sneak into the closest little house or building to find a weapon and some food. Apparently my best is not good enough and I end up having a few zombies chasing me so I run. I run and run and run some more. I run so much I end up getting lost into what seems to be an endless forest with no other buildings to be seen. So what am I doing wrong here? I moved crouched at all time, rarely ever sprint and I still get some zombies chasing me. I read on these forums that a good tactic to lose them is to find a building with 2 doors, run in one end and out the other. That works when I find a building to do that with. If I don't, am I doomed to run indefinitely? 2. Is there an easy way to team up with someone? I tried teaming up with someone from these forums. We added each other on steam and chatted through there. Our biggest problem was actually finding each other. We would spawn pretty far away, so we would describe our surroundings in the steam chat. Any better way? 3. How can I use my flashlight and hunting knife? Can the knife be used to kill zombies?
  9. Freeker

    group for new players

    I wouldn't mind playing with some people....steam id is Freeker
  10. Freeker

    Just got Arma II

    Good to know! I'm sure ill manage to learn quick enough though.
  11. Freeker

    Just got Arma II

    I got combined operations :D I read your post. Not interested in server hopping and killing random people on sight. I want to actually, you know, play the game.
  12. Freeker

    Just got Arma II

    Arma II is downloading from steam right now. Should be playing dayz in very little time! This leads me to one question, any suggestions on what to look for in a first server?