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Osaka (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Osaka (DayZ)

  1. Osaka (DayZ)

    Free loots

  2. Achievement unlocked: Glass bones Break your legs by falling 5 feet.
  3. Osaka (DayZ)

    Server hopers

    I only hop to another server if my current one starts to bug out. Otherwise I stay put.
  4. Osaka (DayZ)

    Message from the North

    It's too noisy in the south. I opened my burgerbar in Petrovka. Enjoy the nice silence of the north. You can keep your noisy city. We serve steak in the woods.
  5. Osaka (DayZ)

    New player, always running into snipers.

    I never got shot by a sniper (knock on wood). I played on my current life for 42 days without dying. My main enemies are cows and other lootable animals for I am the bacon man and giver of steaks. Zeds are not really any problem for you. Not if you know how to deal with them. But indeed it's the players you watch out for. If you want to survive here's a few tips that work for me. When you spawn, just run into Elektro doing a Leeroy Jenkins, since you usually spawn there. Ignore everything and head straight for the main loot routes. What helps for me is hospital and supermarket... done Find a hunting knife and a box of matches, and the hospital for morphine/bandages and maybe a bloodbag or two. These three items. knife, matches, medical supplies. gone! If you happen to find a better backpack along the way, or maybe a few food/drink cans, fine. take whatever you find, but be quick about it. Exit Elektro via the west or east side. Avoid the direct north ridge because snipers like to camp out there a lot. Ignore the parade of zeds following you for now, if any. After you left Elektro head north from there and lose zeds in the forest, or find the barns in these areas. Now get yourself a hatchet if you didn't already run into one in elektro and you are pretty much set up for basic survival. Scan deer stands and be sure to loot small villages to the north for anything useful. A water bottle may be handy, but I realized they are a bit overrated as cans of cola and pepsi seem to be very common. one out of three zeds carry a drink for no good reason. Now, always keep a stack of cooked meat on you. If you happen to be shot at, bleeding, got unlucky with a raid just leg it. Run for the forest, try to lose the attackers and once done bandage yourself. 500 blood left? no problem... Eating a whole cow fixes everything. And be sure to have a nice stack of morphine ready. And if you are killed for some reason, accept fate and don't log out. If those bandits wanted my meat supply, all they had to do was ask. I doubt they will kill me for my Lee enfield. That's another tip. If simple survival is priority, don't prance around with a nice shiny rare gun. If killing you seems non-profitable, most players will not even think about wasting precious ammo on a guy with a bunch of steaks and a rusty gun.
  6. I just had a few steam friends spam me with DAYZ. So I decided to watch a youtube feed of what it was, and after an hour or so I bought Arma 2 and waited for the install.
  7. Osaka (DayZ)

    Funny ways you've died.

    When noobing around throwing roadflares for no reason I also had a frag grenade in my inv. I didn't know when your flares ran out you automatically swap throwable items. So I just went mental with flares by simply throwing them short distance. "weeeee weeeeee weeeee hey, that flare didn't *poof* weeeeeeeeee I can flyyyyyyy *ded* "
  8. Osaka (DayZ)

    Kicked off game on all recruit servers

    I joined a few, got kicked. Maybe it's because these are noob servers. To have new players get used to the game. And they kick players who join and do veteran routine movement. I joined one, got to the nearest shed, picked up a hatchet, got kicked. maybe that's it?
  9. Osaka (DayZ)

    Random Venting

    I usually ignore vehicles. A car is nice to have, but you'll be a big whopping target for everything. I like to sneak around and don't be a clown in a large moving object.
  10. Osaka (DayZ)

    Is this legal?

    Just get a list of legal items. If you find a strange weapon or tool you haven't really seen before, check it up. If it's not on the list, Then don't pick it up. Play fair, stay legal.
  11. Osaka (DayZ)


    I can't wait until the "log out delay" will be put in. No more ALT F4'ing weaklings.
  12. Osaka (DayZ)

    This would be sorta cool

    I would be nice to have random spawnpoints. So everytime you spawn at a random place on the map. It would be a little difficult getting your bearings without having a keypoint like an ocean.
  13. Osaka (DayZ)

    Nice guys finish last.

    Working with voice ingame is a really good way to approach someone without having to get really close. I suppose the lack of facial expression and social factors it is hard to trust people. The real person may be faking a friendly gesture, but in the end you get your face owned by a troll. The best way is to shoot on sight if you want to live. But if you want to make friends, you need to take your chances.
  14. Osaka (DayZ)

    Nice guys finish last.

    I picked up the good deed routine again. You cannot trust anyone. But you keep trying. Instead of passing around bloodbags like a crazed man, I give cows.. medium rare. Blood transfusion can be tasty.
  15. Osaka (DayZ)

    Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

    In addition to gun being realistic or not.... If DAYZ is going to be super realistic, then make it so that broken bones to not occur from a 5 foot drop, and if you have a broken bone, add something to the game like a splint. SO you can "fix" it and your bones will heal over time. Morphine can be used so you can walk for a limited amount of time, and painkillers are only useful for mild pain. Make it so that you cannot kill a Zed by shooting it's legs off. Only shots to the head will be effective on Zeds and maybe a shot to the heart. Drinking from a watersource without a bottle should be possible, and gunshot wounds to the chest cannot be cured with bandaid alone. Make us fatigue. You cannot sprint for hours and hours without passing out from exhaustion. You need to sleep at least once every two days for 8 hours. Good luck...
  16. Osaka (DayZ)

    Is it wrong to build up a camp?

    Most tents are pretty obvious and barely hidden. I sometimes find a random tent in the woods. Fairly because nobody walks in the deep woods anyway. Only idiots like me find fun in hiding out in the middle of nowhere away from you all. But needless to say, I got a nice AKM and spare mags this way. Thanks for the loot, and see ya around.
  17. Osaka (DayZ)

    worst first impressions on dayz

    And remember kids, if it moves, shoot it. If it keeps moving, shoot it again.
  18. Osaka (DayZ)

    Dayz = PvP

    I agree with most people here. The game isn't just PvP, it's PvE where "E" stands for Everything. Even the rain can kill you. It's just you against everything you encounter. All I miss now is agressive wildlife. just when you enjoy your hard earned beans in the middle of the forest, I want hungry bears to watch out for. Trust nothing, even the nature is plotting your demise.
  19. Osaka (DayZ)

    Gaining good equipment.

    Well if you spawn and you have nothing, you will lose nothing. Rambo rush into Cherno, ignore everything and just loot like a crazed man. If you die for any reason, you just spawn again, and rush some more. But if you a geared up and needs supplies you automatically take the ninja mode, and check what you do.
  20. You might recognize this; You strawl around looking for goodies when you suddenly see a wild village appear. You expect zeds. Lot's of zeds You sneak around, trying to avoid problems, when suddenly a lootable zed lays right in front of you. That's where I get my mini heart attack. This undead guy was shot, but not by me. And it's fresh. At this point I know I'm not alone and you get that thrill where there might be anyone around the corner owning your face. Seeing a horde of walkers makes me feel more comfortable than seeing a pile of bodies. Just my two cans of beans.
  21. Osaka (DayZ)

    Dead zeds more frightning than walking zeds

    I printed the MAP on A3 paper, so I don't really need one. And north can be easily found. Watches are overrated. But I'd kill for a GPS. So much easier. But don't you hate it when your hunger is flashing and you forgot to stock up for some odd reason, and you get just as desperate for food as the zeds do? I'd rush into a village, ignore anything and scan for food. That flashing icon haunts me. Luckily I usually make sure I have more than enough food and drinks with me. But still.
  22. Osaka (DayZ)

    Dead zeds more frightning than walking zeds

    that's the scary part. You don't know. As long as there are dead bodies around, and it's not your fault, there is a good chance they hunger for more.
  23. Osaka (DayZ)

    Dealing with death

    I haven't died for two weeks now. Day 16 being alive. I think I have all the gear now. It's just a matter of surviving and trying to stay out of trouble. I live by simple rules; 1: Zombies are like humans, stupid, easy to deceive, resourceful and annoying. Either kill them silently or avoid them. 2: Human players are like zombies, but less noisy and armed. But a lot more resourceful. 3: One does not simply walk into Cherno, and one does not simply leave NWA. 4: Trust is weakness, weakness is emotion, emotions can be turned off. and most importantly; 5: cows are tasty.
  24. Not to be difficult or anything, but what is the "nice" part about robbing a guy twice at gunpoint? I would have done the same thing. But then the first time. You think you can get away with robbing someone? Only for a little bit in my book, you stab my back I stab yours. And then loot your corpse and be a happy camper. I'll eat your beans and laugh.