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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Danielle

    Stuck on Loading

    To add fuel to the fire, my buddy and I get stuck at the loading screen too. First time we've had the problem. I played last night and logged off safely/ without hacker interference.
  2. Danielle

    Early morning helicopter ride

    A man in a copter landed next to me the other day. He said he had candy. I got in. He drove it straight into the ground and shortly after, I was kicked from the server. Eek. Glad you had fun though!
  3. Danielle

    Helicopter Loot?

    Howdy y'all. I'm curious, what exactly can be found at a copter crash? Do items spawn on it, or is it all left there by previous owners? Thank you, my lovelies! ~The only female DayZ'er
  4. Danielle

    15 Dayz

    This is gonna sound like such a girly response, but you have a lovely writing style :)
  5. Danielle

    Helicopter Loot?

    I didn't loot it, but I gawked at it like a child visiting the zoo for the first time. But thanks for believing in me!
  6. Danielle

    Helicopter Loot?

    Or maybe she's just lazy and wanted to post something on here :) Thanks guys. Now I'm irritated that I kinda ignored one the first day that I was playing...... -_- Typical female gamer, huh?
  7. Hi, I'd love to! I never make it very far alone anyways and I lose patience once my screen gets grey and blurry. My Steam is imakesandwiches (I'm a girl) ;)
  8. Danielle

    Introduce yourselves

    Hiya! My name's Dani. I'm relatively new to DayZ and I only have 1 friend who plays so I'm always looking to team up with people. I am a FEMALE GAMER. Gasp, I know. But that most certainly does not mean I'm good. I play the game for enjoyment, not to beat any world records. So if you ever want to casually play, hit me up :)