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Everything posted by ybm

  1. ybm

    Prototype Quadrotor

    This isn't black ops 2, no thanks.
  2. Originally, my handle was yourbadmega and I made it up when I was 10 and surfed the webs. Everyone wanted to know why that was my handle and it actually has a long back story which I'm not going to get into but eventually I just trimmed it down to (y)our(b)ad(m)ega and I don't get as many questions now.
  3. Nice descriptive post, beans for you sir.
  4. I'll check it out and probably lone wolf it for awhile, thanks for the info.
  5. I'll have to say, playing first person only makes this a completely different game; it's way more intense and I would recommend at least one play through for anyone who plays dayz.
  6. ybm

    Keeping a gun cus it looks cool

    There's always a case for the "second kind of cool", glad you're enjoying it.
  7. I'll check it out tomorrow and see how this first person only thing works out, should be great fun.
  8. ybm

    Standalone Claymore

    Uh, given the parameters of your claymore spawn rates, a solid NO.
  9. Yeah, pretty bitch move; also when is HL3 coming bro?
  10. I joined the server and it seems pretty nice. I fixed up an atv and I found a gaz along the way. Got a pretty nice setup going on here. Join quick before all of the vehicles are gone!
  11. ybm

    A new bandit is born

    I've also played a good survivor but as someone else stated in another thread: "A survivor is a bandit who doesn't know it yet." I'm also pretty tired of getting KOS'd and trying to help others and getting bullets in return. What I like to do now is find clan based servers and attack their bases instead of sniping people on the coast. I like to actually be a "bandit" and fight for vehicles and tents full of military gear over a tin of beans I really don't need.
  12. Interesting argument and I'll also enjoy watching things unfold.
  13. I have played dayz for about 3 months now, and I haven't had this problem up until about a week ago. I keep getting kicked from any server I join with varying times from instantly to about 3 minutes. I've searched far and wide and found only fixes from July that don't work. I've tried copying and pasting battleye in both arma folders. I've validated and reinstalled both games and that gave me relief for about a day. After that, the problem resumed. Someone please help; this is making dayz unplayable.
  14. Can someone help me out here? I can't even play the game anymore....
  15. We don't need a "morality" system it's just the system that was put in place to stop everyone from KOS. If you have an idea to stop KOS I'm all ears but until a better system is put into place I'm happy enough with the "morality" system we have in place now.
  16. ybm

    Zombie Herding Gone Wrong!

    I enjoyed the video much more on mute tbh.
  17. Ran arma 2 then arma 2 OA but it's strange because I don't see the option to run combined arms right now...
  18. Don't forget about the choppers doing front and back flips.
  19. It didn't work, I still got kicked instantly and followed the instructions. I also made sure I'm running steam as an administrator.
  20. Ok man, disregard the rest of my post and nit pick what you feel like. You just keep boiling this down do "EAT HUMANS OR THIS GAME IS A FAIL FOR A SIMULATION HURR DURR".
  21. So I have to uninstall everything and delete all of my Arma items?
  22. I just read all three pages of this non sense and OP seems legitimately batshit crazy. Even though laws might not exist in a post-apocalypse scenario; mommy and daddy still taught you rights from your wrongs and they should carry on through this game. As others have mentioned, there are small ticks that accompany people who aren't right IRL and Rocket can't implement all of these things so he goes with a bandit skin and hero skin to make up for it. Keep the skins and stop shooting people in the face "because they looked at you funny" and were "eyeing your backpack". Someone lock this please, thread discussed in-depth and is just de-railed to two people cat fighting.
  23. What the title states; this is the latest thing I was kicked for: wrong signature data/layers/s_019_018_lco.paa The kicking seemed to have stopped for chernarus, but I can't connect to Lingor. Lingor is my preferred map to play on.
  24. ybm

    New Taviana Map

    Or if you have your TV on use fraps.