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Everything posted by ybm

  1. ybm

    Noob to DayZ+... What is it?

    I heard it was some kind of mod-of-a-mod that edits the loot tables (removes .50 cal snipers) and edits some damage of other guns. This is I think, what it is, don't take my word for fact, I haven't used it, to visually confirm this.
  2. We've got a number of active clans on FadeToBlack gaming, if you want any clan PVP, you should pop in some time. Check out our thread in the private hive section.
  3. ybm

    Amazing Fan-made Trailer! [A Must Watch!]

    Was absolutely a fantastic trailer, but uh, you know that the whole "zombie and survivor" thing only got 20 seconds of mediocre attention while everything else was great. If he just touched on the difficult life of a survivor that is around today, we've have something great.
  4. Gonna have a server event tonight! Get geared and be ready for it!
  5. How the tits would we know? The game isn't out yet, upgrade if you can if you are that concerned.
  6. Come join and get geared before the events tonight!
  7. Sorry to bash them dreams bro, but they've got most of them. It's been happening for awhile.
  8. If you were in the closed test, you would've been pinged from the mods.
  9. I have this same problem, some signature check on a .pbo doesn't work out for some reason (like rocks and buildings2) and I have yet to find a solution. I am able to join most servers but when it starts kicking me I just restart my computer and it seems to work for a little while.
  10. Sweep a magnet over your computer, it fixed mine up pretty good.
  11. ybm

    Dayz 2017 survival gameplay

    My experience in 2017 went like this: Spawn in cherno with a normal dayz skin and pack, raid the grocery store and get 5 food and water cans along with an alice pack, find a m1911 with 4 mags for it in the red brick building adjacent to the grocery, run around cherno finding no one for 30 mins, then I logged. Super hardcore.
  12. ybm

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Years to most of the forum members (you know what I'm talking about, people wanting slaves and rape dungeons, go fuck yourselves) and beans all around!
  13. Thanks for making one! I'll make sure I do my best to raid it :P
  14. Plenty of gun trucks and military loot to go around! Come join and ambush kids who drive by!
  15. ybm

    Accused of hacking? please help

    Hello there Read all the appropriate stickies and check the info at the BE site. There's 2 main reasons for a GB. 1. you or someone using your PC scripted 2. you or someone using your PC downloaded a key stealer disguised as another program (a DAYZ optimiser for example) If it's a non legit ban BE will overturn it. But those are rare. rgds LoK Gotcha bro.
  16. Join now and gear up before the server gets really busy!
  17. Already running a panthera server, can you PM me the details of a "dedicated server"?
  18. Hmm, wouldn't try out because namalsk is spelled wrong and it appears to have admin abuse. Thanks for posting though, enjoy your empty server.
  19. ybm


    +satchel charges /thread
  20. ybm

    A video of revenge

    Those guys took a helluva lot of rounds, are you shooting BBs or something?
  21. ybm

    still no players on utes

    another topic? grave/merge please. Anything related has been stated.
  22. ybm

    no players on utes?

    Might have an old version of utes, get dayz commander and update everything. Should find more players that way.
  23. Server is only at half capacity, (25) let's get in there and ambush more bandit convoys!