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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Can you please direct me to the designated sabotage squad for this survivor meetup?
  2. Where's the best place to find friendly people? Even someone who asks questions before they shoot would be nice once in a while.
  3. I'm currently at the coast near Cherno, I broke my legs trying to vault into the small cabin that's just a bit west. I'm sitting on the pier waiting for someone to walk past to tell them that I am meditating and that I am the wise keeper of the south and I will send them on a quest for Morphine and a Blood-bag because it's their destiny.
  4. xxsythinexx@live.com


    I want NVG's and GPS :P
  5. I must find this server! But on a more serious note, I'm pretty sure they despawn after a week of inactivity (No one touching them) although that's a long time to wait. Good luck finding a faster option though, I've had a bunch of tents on a server I play on despawn, I don't know how though.
  6. I'm friendly, that's why I'm always on the beach :c
  7. xxsythinexx@live.com


    I've learnt not to get so excited till I know what I see so there's not always false alarms of "OMG I'VE FOUND A TENT HAHA SUCK ON THAT GUYS" and then I realize it's a rock :c
  8. Maybe I haven't reached the point you have but my friends and I have started getting some really sweet gear (and hoarding it all of course) so now I"m travelling down to snipe some people down south. (I'd snipe up north but we don't have the coordination for that despite us taking out 4 travellers with 2 vehicles I was the one who got all the kills) I've always wanted to stalk some people and just track em' down. Play with some buddies or find some friends, we're always driving around like idiots in a car doing burnouts and getting air time as we look for crashsites in which we then find a vantage point and try to kill as many zombies as we can before we race each other to the loot.
  9. -shrug- For a second there, you almost made me miss this guy leaving the firehouse. Now to just zero in my gun...
  11. You said you saw them coming from the same direction, blow a few of them up, it's probably the best shot you have. (Pun intended)
  12. This is the part where I don't know what to say except sorry and that I feel for you :c
  13. I'll give you an AS50. SVD Camo or L8 whatever with the thermals along with a Ghillie and Camo suit. I"ve been farming the barracks for too long and haven't found a single charge. I found all my stuff in a tent too although now the owners are hunting my guys down and stealing all their stuff back along with destroying our trucks that we drive around :c
  14. AS50, M4A3 CCO, M9 SD with only 2 mags :c a Coyote backpack, Rangefinder also about 4 AS50 mags and 2 M107 mags. Trying to get NVG's and I"m wearing a ghilie with a camo suit in my bag.
  15. Well I apologize then :c and will edit my post
  16. I keep thinking of roaming the coast with my weapon and finding new spawns and breakin' their legs and then just leaving or making them do something funny so that I'll allow them a chance to live depending on how well they can zig-zag my shots.
  17. lmao don't tell me you've never had the urge to do that, it's creative :P I don't intend to offend anyone. I can just imagine it on their stream.
  18. I was about to post a thread like this but you beat me to it, nothing wrong with Bronie's some of my good friends (best really) are bronies. I just see it as a party to crash and they'll be streaming it. Just give em' something to remember like filling the town with satchels or infiltrating their group only to crash the bus that everyone is in. Or assigning a suicide bomber to yell out something, run towards the bus and blow up.
  19. "I'll finish this later" Oh fuck you, just fuck you, bastard lmao leaving us hanging like that!
  20. Screw you Steppwolf! Don't tell him *shifty eyes* How many people will be on this server? I just need to count how many cli- I mean cans of beans I"ll need to bring for everyone to share :3
  21. I'm one of those "Cherno/Elektro" snipers that shoot people. Although I do call out friendly a lot (When I was running around) in the hopes of finding someone like you. But it always ends up me shouting "Hey you, don't move or I'll shoot, get on the ground" and then they'll just look around a bit and I:ll repeat the order. Eventually they start running and I have no choice but to shoot them before they gain the upper hand on me :c
  22. I can't do anything to help you but I know that feel bro. I was starving and bleeding and my friend luckily found a bike and he drove all the way up to me and then he didn't have beans :| So I was at 2k blood and he transfused me back to 12k and we drove down south a bit and managed to find a can of beans before I lost a lot of blood :P good luck.
  23. So tempting to finish the job... EDIT: Nevermind, beat me to it :c