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Posts posted by neophyte719

  1. Whats up with the server anyway ?

    ive paid 1 months subs for a server with vilayer just to try them out,while im aware bank transfers can take 3/5 days im getting an email everyday saying my service has been suspended and will be terminated in 72 hrs,then 48 hrs so the service will be terminated before bank transfer is complete,so it looks like they get my dollahz and i dont get what i paid for,when i make a ticket asking for clarification on this i dont get any answer.

    now to me in this day and age thats pretty gash,if it had been a digital transfer of money i could have blown them off and had my money back and gone elsewhere like day.st or survivalservers.com suggested by maddyn99 above.in the mean time no reply to support tickets and an email inbox full of `termination of service` emails from vilayer and a shitload of `WHERES THE FRIGGING SERVER` and `GET THE SERVER SORTED OR I CURSE ALL YOUR CHILDREN WITH GINGER HAIR` type emails from the disgruntled

    server populace.

  2. anyone else here have problems with piss poor customer support from vilayer?

    im in the process of moving my servers from another game server hosting company to vilayer after them being recommended by my server users and clan members

    but trying to get an answer for support tickets is like trying get get blood out of a stone.

    im glad i have only moved one server.

    so is this indicitive of vilayer or am i just a customer that has `fallen through the cracks`?

    is the `dayz-st` hosting company any good?or is there a specific hosting firm you guys recommend?

    thanks in advance
