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Everything posted by Chrizoroer

  1. Chrizoroer

    Bug's in the latest release

    I have no idea how to get into this state... The people are either normal or they glide on the ground.
  2. Chrizoroer

    Bug's in the latest release

    Hey Accolyte, Got a short video of the gliding over the ground bug... http://youtu.be/0v8zK77RdfA
  3. Chrizoroer

    Really..Glitched into a building?

    Did somebody say Alpha? No seriously. Post the location of the building and what you did to get trapped in there in the bugs forum...
  4. Chrizoroer

    DayZ Screenshots!

    It was on DE106 EU12... After the restart the left ATV was ok and driveable. The right one decided to stay bugged... some invisible walls I guess.
  5. Chrizoroer

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I kinda fked that up ^^... and NO, it is not shopped.. xD