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Everything posted by calranthe

  1. Like a lot of people who found this mod and saw its potential at first I was really excited but over time I have seen the same thing a lot of us have. And yes we know damn well it is alpha but lets just say the Deathmatch and ganking testing is going well, the actual potential of this mod is not. After the weekend I will be sending an email to BI that email will contain the valid signed information from 74 fans of Arma who will not be buying Arma III or in any way support carrier command. (that list is growing and may reach 100). Why ? "BI asked me to not host this mission anymore. Please don't email me asking where or if you can get it. Sorry." For those that did not know a heavy contributer to arma mods created a simple single player wrap which allowed you to run Dayz single player (damn hard single player). Something Rocket said was too hard to do in alpha same as he said that a local host server was too hard at this time. Yes I know people bothered you for tech support etc and that was wrong and I know you gave him access to your source but BUT with such stringent conditions it was impossible to improve and keep you in the loop. So Rocket got his people at BI to get him to stop. Rocket is a good modder but acts like blizzard when it comes to a mod, he is all "mine mine mine" and that is fine but this mode deserves more, it is like the difference between Cod and Skyrim released with the SDK. You are restricting and killing this mod, I will have nothing more todo with it or BI because of there actions. I expect this message to be removed but I have screened it and made a backup, if this post goes down expect a nice little arma/dayz related website to be published explaining just what restrictive assholes you lot are being. I will not be back except to check if the thread still exists, I doubt I am the only one who feels this way, but probably the only one with balls enough to post this. The simple fact is if a different modder than you can kick out a single player version it just shows you do not give a shit about the idea and potential for this mod beyond your narrow minded death match people being bastards to each other future view.
  2. Rocket you have done an amazing job but please consider allowing private dbase release, please before flaming please read. If you had a private hostable Dbase this would allow all those of us who want to set up things like "scenario servers" "roleplay servers" "clan servers". IMPORTANT: A private dbase would mean no connection to the hive, no character jumping from private games to public games (balance and items on public servers would in no way be affected) All it would mean is that all of those that love this game and see a potential for it beyond the pure public servers could enjoy themselves. A private server would simply be a strip down copy of a localised hive and dbase linked to the server on the same box. Just to make it clear 1)Characters on a private server would make no calls to the central hive 2)No load on the public games 3)No way of a private server char affecting a public game and causing imbalance 4)Solve a huge amount of whining and complaining on the servers. 5)Even if hacks and cheats, item duping, spawning happened all they do is ruin there own game because simple your char is not part of the hive thus can never be transfered to another server. The only down side is you may find out 50% of your comunity wish to be playing on private servers (although this would reduce costs for Rocket and his team) More sales for BI :) To me this is a nobrainer and urgently needed as it would relieve a huge amount of pressure on the public games and dbase.
  3. calranthe

    Private servers (local dbase)

    This only happens with very immature server owners who will loose people.
  4. calranthe

    Private servers (local dbase)

    I Know at the moment Rocket has said the Dbase updates frequently but I am hoping soon he will see the merit of this as a prime suggestion, I also know this was started as a project to push the boundries of anti gaming and see just what was possible. Once again I will repeat because some people still do not realise it, we are not against the bandit lifestyle or the idea of killers what most of us want to bring is more realism to the game and to justify that statement let me explain. This game is a triumph of what players need not what developers think we want, we all have spent way too long in games being lead by the hand and I can not give enough kudos to Rocket and his team. What is lacking is immersion and realism, people jump ship at night, bandits cycle through 10+ different servers and play the game like no consequences. LocalhostDB would not only allow clans/friends/roleplayers to play together it would put the consequences of living in a post apocalyptic world become apparent, you would gain a reputation good or bad on that server and if you renamed yourself or jumped server all your equipment is lost. Add to that the idea of Storytellers, Dungeon Masters and Game Masters, old school style you know those evil bastards who spent days setting up a dungeon full of traps and punishments to kick your ass. Imagine what they could do with a few commands simple examples would be. A)Weapons cache, you and friends have heard a rumor about a military cache of weapons, food and ammo in a northern forest what you do not know is the entire forest around that cache is zombie infested. B)"Town is secure" You just spent days clearing and fortifying a small town, you have supplies, people and patrols kill zombies as they appear life is good, one of your lookouts spots a guy screaming and running towards the town being followed by 300 zombies, Oh look he saw the building you have made base camp in and is heading towards you bringing presents lots of presents. The beauty of these ideas is this is not a lot of work for Rocket, a simple local dbase copy once at a point he believes it is viable as long as we as server owners realise this is a no support fix it yourself situation. We the players our imagination will fill in the gaps.
  5. calranthe

    Private servers (local dbase)

    Completely Agree Fenrix, I have nothing against bandits it can spice up life but ruined by people only interested in a kill count of players and new people. It totally destroys the immersion that this game could have and it is not like we want rocket to make changes to the public servers just let us create our own story, our own servers and our own entertainment. I would live on a roleplay server, make friends and work together, no leaving at night and working together either for good or evil, choices and kills making a difference over the days.
  6. calranthe

    Private servers (local dbase)

    Why is that ? because we dare to want to play this mod a different way, our way, we are human beings not sheep. The enviroment on the public servers is getting so bad that a lot of people are stopping playing, me myself have not logged on for a week because there is no immersion on the public servers only death match or team death match. I love the game but the people you meet are not people playing out survivor rp or even end of world scenario roleplay they are just the gutter trash of online gaming, I have only seen 5 really good killers who roleplayed and killed for in game reasons the rest its just LOLZ and GANKULATERZ IF you truley fear that the public servers would become desolate then ask yourself why, if the majority of the players would leave and play on there own servers does that not mean that the majority want this? I dare to eve say that OUR private servers with local saved character would in time become MORE like how it was intended because killers and bandits would not be able to just flip over to another server with all the loot and weapons if things got too hot, bandits would get reputations, groups of bad people would form and become part of the world they live in with consequences as would the good guys. So tell me again how this would go against the spirit and feel of this game.
  7. calranthe

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Yeah but the zombies have become a joke, no one fears them, you see the thing about a god damn zombie apocalypse is that little word ZOMBIES! oh I am sorry that as a new person I have not got together with others and faced off against players I am so damn sorry that I still see wonder at exploring and saying hello to fellow humans I am so bloody sorry that I do not have the CoD death match mentality. Why the hell do you not do a simple (yes a simply copy local host server) It would stop the total unrealism of hopping servers, stop the bandits who rotate 10 servers to kill and get away with it. oooh it would promote cheating or hacks or server hassle ?? hello the thing about the local hive is your char equipment gets saved to the local host NO interaction what so ever with the hive! That would stop people jumping servers at night time and alot of the crap going on I mean if your char is on one server you call home, a lot more may think about how they act, reputations would grow for good or bad, hey at that point stay at night. You know rocket a hell of a lot of us want to pw servers because of the way people are ruining this community. I am going to take a break from this, so much potential but I see all those who could take this in a different direction of creativity being smacked down by the "suck it up its a zombie apocalypse" I will leave you will one none holywood thought, in my local hospital a woman was diagnosed with cancer, she had a choice she could have the medicine that would save her life, or have her baby, I was with them when they made the choice and delt with it over the next 3 months, humans will sometimes suprise you, for every nasty bastard of fear there is someone who chooses the hard path so screw the "everyone would do this bullshit" Bye Rocket I wish you well but I won't be bringing my friends to this community, what community.
  8. calranthe

    Private servers (local dbase)

    Other reasons a localhost Dbase would be beneficial to the community and Dayz as a whole. You pick a server, play on it and your char saves to that server, yes you can create multiple characters by playing on other servers but it would add more permanence, your server would be your home, you would gain a reputation on that server good or bad in time this may balance out the bandit issues This way would completely remove the problems with having a central dbase also, no more waiting to retrieve your char or imbalance of people kitting up on one server then hopping to another to kill, the only lag and issues you faced would be based on the server you decided to play on. If this was possible in the future I personally would find a server I liked and live there, at the moment we have bandits who regularly do the rounds of 20-30 servers so people do not keep intel on them. Those people you kill who live on the server you play on will remember, its there home too, people will be able to warn others of reputations "stay away from GHRTYHJ he will guide you then shoot you in the back of the head"
  9. Primarily this is a discussion of why people want to be able to password and reserve slots on servers also the reasons behind the need for a localhost dbase so people can set up private servers, roleplay enforced servers, story driven scenario servers (not connected to the main dbase so no imbalance or affect on the prime public servers) http://dayzmod.com/forum/newreply.php?tid=5717 Now I will come clean and admit I am bias on this so here is my personal situation and reason for wanting to hose either a private or public server but with ability and permission to pw it at some times. 15 years ago my wife became disabled, a lot of our life had to change and due to the severity of the disability games because freedom to do things nolonger possible in the real world. So I started up a clan for people in situations like her, from physical difficulties to mental, we went from muds and single player games (to start with using group phone and bbs chat to keep each other going and teach) We have had our own l4d1/2, CS, HL, supreme commander all the way back to total annihilation, we also join mmos together. Very good community atmosphere we even have partially sighted people in our group who roleplay and have awesome fun playing injured civilians we have to protect, one of the things you need in these situations is a damn good sense of humor. No one is looked down to and we even have film nights when we are all on chat and watching a film all over the world. We do not advertise the clan or have a tag because to be honest human nature sucks, yes we have a lot of good people in this world but we also have people who grief and attack groups like ours, last time we were out in the open certain idiots actually tried to scam and bully our members. Oh we have no problem defending ourselves but that takes time away from enjoying and having fun on a game. I have told them all about Day z, most of them already have Arma II CO and we are all of us long time players of STALKER. Treating special needs people differently is a double edged sword, we all want to be equal but in reality when some of your members will need 1-2 weeks of 1 on 1 coaching to play and survive a new game without distractions you need breathing space. I want to setup a server either public or private and most of the time it would be open to the public and yes in time fully open but time will be needed for the first couple of months to get all my clan up to speed. We do not want to pw protect to isolate ourselves, to cheat or dupe, to lord it over other players, we are just in a unique situation our goal would be to open the server fully once all the training days have happened. On the other hand I am 41 and my hair is nearly completely gray lol. So is there other people out there in these kind of situations or are we unique. So remember when people are asking for a private server or a pw protected one for every idiot wanting to gear up and get an advantage there is someone who wants to write a story or play with friends without having to press enter 50 times, small comunities, clans people who have reasons beyond selfishness to ask for this. Who would be perfectly happy with a local dbase so no one else gets bothered by what they do. The normal responses of: "deal with it" "go play another game" "tough" Do both you and us a disservice.
  10. When I heard about this mod I was happy and amazing, Rocket has created something wonderful and the fact it is this good in "alpha" is cool. My idea for my character when deciding to play this game was friendly but cautious, many times over the last four days I could have shot people, murdered then for items or weapons but I choose not to. Sadly I am beginning to understand why people shoot first. Having spent all my time exploring, joining different servers I always let people know on side chat that I am an explorer/survivor, I am just looking for basic gear (if near a town) and not hostile to anyone but zombies, if a town or building is camped or HQ for a clan just let me know and I will move on. 26 times now I have been shot in the back, head or blindsided in some way, usually while my only weapon is usually the newbie pistol, not one of those times was I acting agressively or in any way threatening anyone space. Hours of wonder and exploration the joy of finding a can of pasta or coke and the time I found a HK-mp5 in a dear hide (no loot maps used out of game) mapping the place on a piece of paper as I go. I think that I would prefer to leave this game than become a bandit, to me the bandit mode of play is "easy mode" and with how well known this game is becoming the percentage of bandits to survivors is completely out of balance. Now before I become completely jaded can anyone recommend (in pm please) any server out there that had a good core group of survivors. UK friendly time zone. Discussion is welcome as is advice.
  11. calranthe

    26 Murders and counting

    Will contact those offering help tomorrow but after reading some posts here I did a little test. 7 hours play 4 different servers, some uk others euro Test 1: Prime locations in game Chern, Elektro airpors (wherever was closest to where I spawned). Side message sent out (Hi, just a person still learning this game spawned near (next line)just looking for basic equip to go explore with, please let me know if I am enchroaching on anyones turf) 14 tries 13 deaths to bandits. When bandits control the prime loot locations and the "norm" has become "go north" keep out of cities. Test 2: Exploration Visited 3 of the castles and 2 airports explained in chat beforehand I was drawing my own map was happy not to take any loot just exploring big areas. 5 times tried 5 deaths. Granted this was only 7 hours work and one person trying it but it is quite telling.
  12. I killed my character today, he was okay equipped to take on zombies, winchester, 1911, hk mp5 in the backpack, ammo, food drink, binoculars, map, compass and knife with matches. This was my first time getting into cheno getting equipped and heading out into the forest and I hated it. Call it paranoia call it freaked out I was focused on keeping what I had found that I avoided everyone, my entire gameplay changed. I realise that I was having more fun with the newbie pistol searching for beans and more likely to meet up with people as I had little or nothing to loose. So I found a nice little town lined up my winchester and started blowing away zombies, at the 24 mark I realised to make this more fun I needed to hold the high ground so up a ladder I went, many shots were fired and ammo ran low, switched to my 1911 and continued with that emptying everything I had, drank all my water ate all my food set of flares and went a little crazy. I think at the moment I am dead server did a disconnect just when I was switching to my hk mp5 for a last stand at 4000 blood and bleeding, looking forward to being back at the shore with a makarov :)
  13. calranthe

    [Suggestion] Night/Day Cycle

    New players are the ones hit the hardest especially since the zombies are now attracted to flares. It is fine saying it is realistic or that people could go on other servers but ping does make a difference and if the only solutions are "deal with it" or "go to an overseas server" then sorry that is fail. Night time should be scary and different BUT I used to night fish out of town and away from residual light, even on cloudy nights vision was better than in this game.
  14. calranthe

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    By his own admission a lot of Rockets time is being taken up with issues this solution would address. A lot of the false dbase calls and server resource is being taken up by servers this solution would solve. Having worked with msql I believe (may be wrong) the creation of a box hive local host would actually be quite simple, not that simple but quite simple. Private servers could be easily labeld and pw protected if need be, people could setup websites or forum posts advertising what there server is about.
  15. calranthe

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I hate to disagree with Rocket on this and I do appreciate all the work and effort. A private server option (for those of us who want to have roleplay servers or clan servers, shiny happy servers) would solve a lot of your problems. A private local hive version that ONLY connects to the server on the box has no real down sides. Yes the admin of the private server could spawn stuff or do silly things BUT it is not connected to the public hive, not causing any lag, any resource usage. YES keep the public server initiative going but put together a simple private server host dbase. How can a private server make calls to or use up the public hive resources if it is not connected to it ? IMPORTANT: Realise people before flaming me a private local hive means your char you play on that server is completely linked to that server, it does not transfer to a public server thus no danger of causing imbalance. Reasons to do this: 1)All those people complaining about not being able to password or kick people from a private server by its nature would be able to. 2)All those wishing to run roleplay servers or scenario servers could do 3)The above two points mean less errors and harm to the prime hive. Solve a lot of the issues people have. The win win of this is all of those that love and wish to be on public servers will not have to deal with those that do not :)
  16. calranthe

    Stuff changes the way you play

    Maybe one day, I just think in alpha it is way too unbalanced a game, suposedly about surviving a zombie apoc is turning into a purely pvp game, which does not interest me. Not really a complaint still love this mod I just think the bandit pvp side of it needs more balance and consequence, even for the very simple idea of "I need this person alive to kill zombies with me"
  17. calranthe

    Stuff changes the way you play

    Although I will say I have a new respect for the winchester, that is a wonderful main anti zombie weapon.
  18. calranthe

    How to make Survivors trust you?

    You completely misunderstood my post, I have nothing against bandits in games like this, I understand it is a game but when people go outside that game, Teamspeak servers etc those are part of a real world comunity and trying to justify things with "in a real apocalypse this would happen" no one not you or me know how we would act. We have no context for this kind of situation so trying to rational actions like being a bandit and killing a survivor with real world references just does not work.
  19. calranthe

    How to make Survivors trust you?

    Maybe you should read the thread and see all those people trying to justify there actions in this game by real world rational ? "thats why one of the best ways to betray people is by using teamspeak or vent " to a lot of people the TS is not part of a game it is part of a community "However, those kind of tactics can be expected in a real post-apocalyptic setting. I love the immersion it adds. " See what I mean ? and "Oh please, get out of your high horse, pal. Things like honor don't exist in a apocalyptic setting. It's kill or be killed. you chosse honor? Let's see how long that would last you. Also, everyone is going to recognize your honor and bravery when discovering that you're a bandit and have a fucking spasm trying to shoot ya. I'm a bandit because i choose to survive, no matter the costs. Keep your opinions and you're endless death count to you, and you only."
  20. calranthe

    How to make Survivors trust you?

    I think the problem here is perspective and balance, a lot of people class the TS vent or whatever else used as out of game, we talk about real life, films we like, zombie movies etc, it is not in game and fine if you can kid yourself in to saying "its just a game" or "if it was real" Some of you are too young to have known true hardship, pain or suffering, you speak of survival as the only goal when you have barely left school. Do not even try to justify any of this in real life terms, most of you have absolutely no idea of real life sacrifice and I am so happy that you have not had to face that kind of thing.
  21. calranthe

    Bandits > Survivors.

    Being a survivor is harder, we want to trust, we try to trust we will hesitate on the trigger hoping that the person you are facing is of like minded. Bandits can scope in from range and kneecap you Bandits do not need to hesitate Bandits have a much simplified life style. At the moment the game is balanced towards bandits sadly (as some one said zombies are a side show) until we get to the point of "i could kill this guy but that group of zombies outside will rip me to shreds" it will be unbalanced, hopefully in future patches either human blood on a bandit or something like that will attract zombies to them more than survivors I do not see this changing. I personally prefer to try and survive without killing other survivors.
  22. calranthe

    Bandit balance

    Yes I agree pvpers are needed and in a lawless society we can not really call it murder but as someone pointed out, seen as this is suposed to be a realistic or as realistic as possible survival mod. The balance for pvp needs to be within the monsters at the door, pvp should be a choice but you need a very agressive enemy type to make the "maybe we should stick together, yes I could kill that guy for his gun/beans/ammo but then I am in a bad situation against the zombies" Lets face it at a certain point as a bandit with good equipment unless you do silly things you are not challenged at all by the zombies. My suggestion Human blood, we are told that zombies have a better sense of smell, so let us just supose that live human blood is yummy to them, (cancelled by zombie smell) and as we know from watching CSI :) if you shoot, kill or loot a fresh human corpse that lovely smell gets on you. Drawing zombies out of the woodwork. It is not a completely realistic solution (blood would get on survivors too but something is needed). Human blood could cause a sort of feeding frenzy situation as seen with sharks so it would be a useful idea not only to help balance bandit/survivor gameplay.