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About Klutzen

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  1. Klutzen

    Any GOOD hackers here?

    No help needed :) He killed everybody
  2. There is a hacker on SE 47 and spawned EVERYBODY in the fucking water GODS know where. Can any good hackers please come here and teleport ''Klutenface'' to mainland? Thank you.
  3. Klutzen

    Help! Weapon swapping

    Aslo made a new profile. Nothing.........
  4. Klutzen

    Help! Weapon swapping

    Ive checked 100 times and the F key is for toggelign weapons. But the F button only shows how much ammo i have left.
  5. Klutzen

    Help! Weapon swapping

    please help.
  6. Klutzen

    Help! Weapon swapping

    What? its ONLY in DayZ my scroll isnt working. I can scroll in arma2. I can scroll on websites. When playing DayZ i can shoot. I can aim with right mouse click but not hte scroll. so i cant loot packpacks or tents. great
  7. Klutzen

    Help! Weapon swapping

    Yeah all my keys are at default settings.
  8. Klutzen

    Help! Weapon swapping

    Also tried it in regular Arma2 and that worked out fine. Edit: It worked with ''Enter'' but i want my old scroll back
  9. Klutzen

    Help! Weapon swapping

    Its not just the gun. I cant even use my scroll on the mouse. Hitting ; just toggled the chat. please help
  10. So i updated to latest version. Im using Dayz Commander. All of a sudden i cant swap weapons. I try and press F but nothing is happening. Im trying to use the scroll on my mouse but its not working either. I can neither loot dead peoples packpacks. Is it only me or is this everyone? Did i press something? I also cant pick up Hatchets. Only way to loot is to press G. Help please
  11. Klutzen

    Why I kill unarmed players

    I kill all unnarmed guys. Mostly for pleasure but also for safety. Ive seend alot of players lately hiding theire weapon in their backpack. And when they say im friendly i dont have a gun. The armed player doesnt suspect anything until he takes the gun out of his bag and blows your head off.
  12. Klutzen

    PvP vs PvE

    Why not add PVE? I would sure love to blast some retards in the head that are fighting a rare boss or some shit.
  13. Klutzen

    Full release - Map discussion

    FUCK U.S.A. I like playing a zombie apocalypse in soviet russia.
  14. Klutzen

    LF Group with SICK people

    Its not about bragging. Im telling a story and trying to find players who like doing the same things.
  15. Klutzen

    LF Group with SICK people

    21 :) and its just a GAME. Its quite fun.