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WCG Crafty

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Posts posted by WCG Crafty

  1. Looking for a strong group to party up with? WELL LOOK NO FURTHER! We have about 7 other squad mates and are looking for others! This could be your chance! Requirements: 15 or older, Must be mature, game experience of atleast 2 weeks and 12 hours of gameplay time, musst be good leader and follower, AND MUST OBEY COMMANDS! :)

    ADD ME ON STEAM! : WCG Crafty OR 0970Haloman

  2. Dude its legit it says they are rare on the wiki me and my friend found a truck but need engine parts and we have not found them yet we need a trade please!!!! Plus we looted only military and firesation and other buildings that dont have vehicle parts and the ones we did look in dont have them! We have been looking for 2 hours and are fed up thats why we are offering this stuff.

  3. Hey guys, first off i didn't make up the name! Secondly we are recruiting there is about 7 of us in the group and we are looking for more! We have a regular server and we are just starting a base on it! We have a truck and other items and vehicles and are intrested if more people wanna join! Send me a message (Preferably on steam) and ill get back to you!

    Steam: WCG Crafty OR 0970haloman (notsure which one you have to add they are one steam account)

    Xbox: WCG Crafty (If adding on xbox make sure u send me a message saying your adding me because of DayZ)

    Skype: ASK ME ON STEAM!

    Thanks Crafty! :)

  4. Hey Guys! I play with my friend a lot and he is currently away but he wanted me to recruit some guys and start a group not a clan! If intrested message me i can help i got a fair bit of stuff and so do my other 3 friends. I have a truck on a certain server but im not disclosing that info yet! If intrested message me or add me on steam: WCG Crafty OR Haloman0970 THANKS! :D

  5. In Game Name:Griffin

    Location:London, ON

    Experience (Days/months):month and a halfish


    When Available: more then 95% of the time.

    Time Available: 12pm- 2am ish

    Time Zone:Eastern Standard UTC -5

    Weapon preference:M4A1 cco or M4A3 cco

    Any additional information: I play with a couple buddies a lot and we play all the time, I found a V3S Civilian and repaired it all but the engine, it can drive but i need engine parts. Im a quick learner so if you need me to i can. I am great leader and follower so i can act as both in this clan. (BTW, the WCG is my xbox clan not another clan just needed it so i can use crafty) ! :)

    Steam: WCG Crafty (again with the WCG part)

    Skype: message me for it

  6. In Game Name:Griffin

    Location:London, ON

    Experience (Days/months):


    When Available: more then 95% of the time.

    Time Available: 12pm- 2am ish

    Time Zone:Eastern Standard UTC -5

    Weapon preference:M4A1 cco or M4A3 cco

    Any additional information: I play with a couple buddies a lot and we play all the time, I found a V3S Civilian and repaired it all but the engine, it can drive but i need engine parts. Im a quick learner so if you need me to i can. I am great leader and follower so i can act as both in this clan. (BTW, the WCG is my xbox clan not another clan just needed it so i can use crafty) ! :)
