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Everything posted by Kopss

  1. Kopss

    Looking for survival buddy.

    Yes exactly that ! Sometimes we even get out of our way and run the naked mile on the airstrip, chased by foul survival-eating-zomberts-and-banditos ...
  2. Kopss

    Need of a new clan

    Where you from and how old are you ?
  3. Kopss

    Looking for survival buddy.

    If your intrested i play with an Austrian and a brit like yourself. Were all 16+ and play on a private hive. Ill add you when I get home. You got skype ?
  4. Kopss

    Lowest common denominators

    How did you not have time to shoot him if it took 2 clips to kill you ??
  5. Kopss

    Clever animals

    Bears are herbivores ... They eat berries not humans. And they only attack of they feel threatened. Other than that I'm liking the wildlife simulator.
  6. Head head head. You shoot zombies in the HEAD and you shoot players in the HEAD. Easy enough.
  7. Kopss

    Looking for players

    How old are you and where are you from ?
  8. Kopss

    DayZ Bug List

    Zombies are aggroed even if you go in proning... No use in being tactical. Also fueling vehicles atleast the little bird seems to be bugged. Was fueling it with a friend 5 jerry cans at a time and after 10-15 minutes we didnt even get 1 third of the tank full. Both happened on a private server, but atleast the zombies getting aggroed happens on all servers ive played.
  9. So I've recently got back to Dayz and grown tired of running around lone wolf. I'm looking for 2-3 people (preferably Europeans because that's when I'm on) to form a group/fireteam to go on raids and pvp with! I have a lot of experience at this game and I've been playing it on and off since summer. I try to play everyday but i don't always have time for DayZ. Oh yeah and im 18. What I'm looking for are semi-experienced (not completely new), mature (16+) and English speaking teammates to run around and have fun with. I play on a private hive called The Walking Dead ( and have started working on a base. I have transport and some guns but nothing big yet. If your interested drop a PM or comment with some info about you and your skype and ill get back to you! Cheers Kopss
  10. Kopss

    Humvee ?

    Where ? :P
  11. Kopss

    Looking for Clan / Squad

    I added you on skype... let's talk.
  12. Kopss

    Humvee ?

    You ever found one?
  13. Kopss

    Looking for a team

    How old are you? And where are you from?
  14. Kopss

    Looking for a squad

    Well if you play at my times then no, it doesn't matter. In that case give me your skype
  15. If you two are interested i got a server with some vehicles and guns :P
  16. Kopss

    Looking for a squad

    If your european and over 15 pm me with your skype !
  17. I play on a nice server setting up a base etc. Im European so if your interested give me your skype/ts :)
  18. How old are you ? I might be interested
  19. Kopss

    Looking for EU clan/group

    Bro if your still looking im starting a small group ! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/128574-looking-for-2-3-people-to-start-a-group-eu/
  20. Kopss

    Looking to join group

    If your 16 or over and play at EU times go check out my thread ! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/128574-looking-for-2-3-people-to-start-a-group-eu/
  21. Kopss

    Looking for a group...again.

    If your still interested go check out my thread! I'm building a small group
  22. Kopss

    Starting Up A Survival Group

    Where do you live and whats your timezone ?
  23. Hey everyone I've played dayz for almost a year now (very on and off) and I'm just getting back to it after a few months pause. My relationship with dayz is complicated and I might get bored fast or continue playing for months. Last time I quit because i needed more time for school, friends, girlfriend etc.. Anyway I'm back and looking for one or two buddies (maybe more?) to play with in Europe! About me? I'm 18 and from Finland. I speak fluent English and a tad of French and Swedish. I can play for hours and hours or not be online for days so I'm not the type who would be on 24/7. Without trying to sound cocky or anyhing I'm a sociable person and usually fun to talk to. My dayz playstyle is mixed between bandit and neutral, depending on the situation But if your interested, have experience with dayz, are 16 or over, and play during my times go ahead and PM me with your Skype or TS (if you happen to have a server). Oh yeah and another thing you must speak either English or Finnish for us to communicate Cheers Kopss