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About jiffypaper

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. jiffypaper

    CA1 Private hive ban for dumb reasons

    If it makes you feel better, Yes. Hero skin does allow you to block most small caliber rounds taken in the chest.
  2. jiffypaper

    Jumping an ATV on a bike

    Where'd yah get that Soldier skin?
  3. jiffypaper

    Could someone upload the Takistan 1.2 files?

    I would like this too, but I'd just like a Changelog for 1.2 Lol.
  4. jiffypaper

    Great! Lost all my m1911 rounds

    Just wait till you find the best pistol in the game (In my opinion anyways) the G17. It has a built in flashlight. And they're not that rare.
  5. jiffypaper

    Looking a few non serious players

    I like that. I lol'd. - Must be younger than the required age to purchase this game. That's how I read this thread.
  6. jiffypaper

    How often do sniper rifles spawn for you?

    You sir. Have my beans.
  7. jiffypaper

    Is Arma Worth buying for Day Z

    I've been playing for a few months now. And not ONCE have I been the direct victim of a hacker.
  8. If you're sharing a computer. It's based on the Registered CD Key to the computer. There's a guide on fixing this somewhere on the forums.
  9. jiffypaper

    Good First Life! And a great game!

    The spawning on the shore glitch is when you join an outdated server. make sure you're joining servers on the same patch/beta build as you.
  10. jiffypaper

    [TRADE] lf a svd camo

    One of the least used rare guns, for one of the most sought after?
  11. jiffypaper

    How is he not dead [video]

    Don't shoot in third person. Ever. It's terribly inaccurate.
  12. jiffypaper

    Anybody Out There!

    I've almost given up on people in this game. But today, met a nice guy. I had just lost my vs3 and all my gear. He gave me a compass, map, alice(Full of food, and medical supplies) and a water bottle. And then one of the gang gave me one of their bikes. Lol. Two of them had atvs, 2 has peddle bikes. Rekindled my hope a bit.
  13. jiffypaper

    The basics.

    Launch Arma 2 OA, Play the boot camp tutorials to learn how to actually play. But I'll throw some survival tips here. Being Chased by zombies? Strafe up hills in a zig-zag to slow zombies down, or duck through a building with two entrances like barns or red houses. Need a better weapon? Deer stands, Air strips and Military tents contain higher tier weaponry. Low on food, water, or blood? Eat some food. Getting a Hatchet, Knife, and Matches will let you hunt and cook meat for survival and blood. (800 blood a piece of cooked meat!) And find a water bottle, It can be refilled at Wells, Water Pumps and ponds!
  14. jiffypaper

    My first hours Dayz .....

    Being chased? Run through buildings with two doors. Barns are you best friend. Running up a hill well alternating W+D, and W+A To strafe, will cause zombies to go straight up hill, slowing them down, well you can run up faster. Weapons and gear? Military camps are the best bet. Notable areas, NW Airfield, NE Airstrip, Balota Airstrip. and Starry Nova tents. Food and drinks? Look in houses, or on zombie corpses. Get a Knife, Matches, and a Hatchet, and you can hunt/cook meat off animals for 800 blood a piece. A Canteen is also nice (Water Bottle). You can fill it at ponds after drinking from it.