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Everything posted by TheGrapist18

  1. I tell everyone this! Join a PRIVATE HIVE! Especially if the admin is dedicated to banning dupers and hackers like the one im on! (Derp Day whitelist server) 5 dollars to join which supports the hive AND everyone is there to play legit. Your not gonna find hackers on a server you GIVE something to play on! Also theres no combat logging and all of that bs! So if not mine, atleast for gods sake join a private hive of some sort! Brings the fun back into the game until stand alone
  2. TheGrapist18

    Goodbye DayZ and Hackers

    Join a private hive. Community, no hackers/duping, no combat logging, pure dayz. If you find the right one that is. If your up to it, pay 5 dollars like i did and join Derp Dayz private whitelist server. Fun stuff, join me in game
  3. Guidez, your the man haha btw im just putting a +1 on the vote for night time for the reasons i explained not saying "MAKE NIGHT TIME YOU SOB" if it came across that way xD btw really loving the server i am and will recomend it to anyone and everyone, for 5 dollars you can buy a mcdonalds lunch...or play hack free on a fun community for months to come <3
  4. Night definately needs to be in the game. Its a core aspect of the game which adds stealth and a purpose to one of the rarest items, the nvgs.night is the time to loot and gives people a better chance at not being sniped due to only having 1 night vision compatible sniper. An for those reasons i vote on a 24x7 day night cycle. It just adds 2 different aspects to the game. If not 24x7 then make day 6h night 6h. It was my understanding that we already had that type of cycle but i guess not?
  5. could you get on and help me out? i payed and didnt get a success screen lol
  6. you neeeed a teamspeakkk i hate playing servers where i cant group up with people. maybe merge with another teamspeak or something until you can get your own?
  7. guidez i would like to play, how do i contact you please tell me youve got a teamspeak? im a very experienced player and id like to get some clan wars or something exciting like that going :D
  8. TheGrapist18

    Looking for private server? In here!

    Looking for a private server in chernaurus where i can get some clan wars started, a server with good admins decent high pop, and people who are experienced and would like to wage war against 2-3 other groups of people. Anyone wanna do this? Or already doing this? We should definately get somethin like this started let me know :)
  9. TheGrapist18

    Cowards of private hive- 1040

    DUDE NOX! I played with you yesterday, hunter banned me from the teamspeak dude im like "hey i got a message for you on the forums" an hes like "i already know what this means so im gonna do this now" and bans me. Get evictus and everyone to unban me ._. hunters a fag
  10. TheGrapist18

    Cowards of private hive- 1040

    Oh and btw they had just came and thought you were the 4th, i knew you were coming as you were shooting your fn fal like mad for 10 minutes previous so i was just waiting to strike(4th member of the group)
  11. TheGrapist18

    Cowards of private hive- 1040

    Oh and btw they had just came and thought you were the 4th, i knew you were coming as you were shooting your fn fal like mad for 10 minutes previous so i was just waiting to strike
  12. TheGrapist18

    Cowards of private hive- 1040

    Hahaha this boggles my mind. I was the thir survivor. I was prone by the tent with an m24 aim shooting you directly in the chest scoped in dude. No lag no nothing. Whatever you just said about 10k blood is complete bs. The guy you mowed down hit you three times the ghillie was rolling and shot the ground whilst i blasted 6+ shots into you. Either this is all bs or my gun doesnt do damage. 101% positive i shot you atleast 6 times all to no avail, you didnt flinch pass out or anything. I call bs and im a primary source
  13. TheGrapist18

    Swift Gaming's private HIVE!

    Ah, ive officially been banned from your teamspeak and your server. Learn to fight your own battles you tyrannical piece of shit ;D how about instead of insulting peoples iqs, fix your attitude
  14. TheGrapist18

    Swift Gaming's private HIVE!

    Administration...where do i start..hmm hunter, i enjoyed everyone except for you, you are a hypocrit and a 4 year old. There is undeniable proof you use esp(map hack) and that fine for the right reasons. Oh wait. Its used for the wrong reasons like finding tent camps and laughing as your group destroys them. Just 5 minutes ago my team was killed by a godmode hacker an i was the lone survivor, whilst attempting to put their stuff in a tent so they could return, you had a scheduled server restart. Understandable and what any admin would do is postpone it for 2 minutes while i gather the supplies that took days to get. O wait...almost forgot your an asshole of course you wont wait youl say "fuck off" and wont listen. Do i even need to get started with the banning and kicking for stupid reasons? Sure your doing your job but there needs to be leniance. Being a server owner means caring for the community and i dont see that at all on your server. Another thing, i ask you "are there custom vehicle spawns?" of course you wont answer the simple question and say "you have an iq below 50"or some shit and THEN, someone calls you out saying "i dont like the way you treat people" and what does he get? Yup. Banned. Everyone i know is to scared to speak up against you and EVERY single person ive talked to accept your friends hates you. (even people in other servers) "oh the colony server? Yeah hunters a whiny baby who cant settle arguments im never playing there again" of course your probably too cool to care because you dont care what people think of you but i just thought id mention this. Sure its your own hive do whatever the fuck you want with it. Just know that 95% of the population wants to punch you in the face. To anyone looking to join a private hive, look elsewhere, trust me.
  15. Double tap control to lower gun. I scream this 10x to a survivor i run into an never take my eyes off of him in every confrontation
  16. TheGrapist18

    Geared up.... but worried....

    So true... Sucks doesnt it...
  17. Looks fun il definately have to try this out! I have to ask, what is the player count at peak times and are there many people on the teamspeak?
  18. Hello, i was just banned from this server by some little girl rage kickers. Except they banned me, so they are rage banners. Reason of banning, defeating and destroying there entirely hacked base. They wired off the factory east of polana and had about 50 tents filled with hacked gear, sd pdws, 50 nato rounds, MANY SATCHEL CHARGES. and hacked weapons as such. as me and a lot of my team were killed after attempting to land our chopper in there, i was angry that hackers get to ruin the fun of others so i went rage mode, snuck into their camp and of course found 10 satchel charges which i proceeded to place around the campsite and factory. after touching off their HACKED/DUPED satchels. i destroyed there base and felt happy that i could avenge my fallen comrades. 1 minute later (i have friends on the server) i fall over without a hourglass and lay bleeding on the floor after not getting hit and not losing blood...ok... 1 minute later i decide to log off as i assume it is a glitch that i had befallen and on relog of course a friend tells me i got banned for "nuking" and a friend who also got killed, banannas, was banned for "nuking" even though he never touched one satchel charge. Now to wrap this up, i destroyed you with your own hacked weapons so you ban me? really. how low can you get, crying to your admin because i destroyed your precious base that you will just get back at server restart. this game is becoming unbearable thanks to cry babies like you all. clan, [ZH] on us 1088. also i forgot to mention, you guys restart your server 5 minutes later so your precious hacked goods dont get destroyed :*( Tell me your teamspeak, or unban us as we didn't hack in any way. So next time, lets handle this like adults and not "rage ban" when losing a base you will get back in 5 minutes. have a terrible day, [ZH]. (p.s. if only i had fraps installed on my new computer then i could get your server shut down. :( dont worry though, its downloading as i type this)
  19. TheGrapist18

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? THEY COMBAT LOGGED? CHECK THE SCRIPTS HE GOT KICKED FOR HIGH PING LIKE 3 TIMES omg your so deluded. oh and your reasoning for duping hacked weapons is that everyone else does it.... please... just stop talking before you embarass yourself further with madeup facts that do not support your supposed cause whatsoever
  20. TheGrapist18

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    i really wish i would have screenied that silenced pdw.. out of all 4 tents i searched, first one had a pdw. even so, a picture can be framed, i can just put a hacked weapon in there and point a finger. word of mouth will have to do for now and by that i say. you have obtained and duped hacked weapons. nice.
  21. TheGrapist18

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    actually i didnt crash, i noticed zombies were spawned and escaped with the chopper then got my engine shot about 1.5 km away... also to you who knows nothing about dayz and the hive system, duping is not allowed yet there is no way to police it, also they CANNOT remove it at the current state due to lag time from the server to the hive meaning when you use a dupe technique the hive does not upload in time therefore the item is back on your character. but hey, nice attempt at acting like you know what your talking about. (also they have made it obvious through patches by stopping duping techniques that they clearly do not want duping yet they cannot police it)
  22. TheGrapist18

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    failed to connect to ts
  23. TheGrapist18

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Honestly you guys need hacker protection. And in order for that o work is to get a hacker yourself to protect against griefers honestly hacking to precent hacking is 100% understandable in this situation
  24. TheGrapist18

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    failed to connect. Im still banned from the server...
  25. TheGrapist18

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Server taken overfrom hackers.... Got banned en route after meeting up with a nice guy in a barn... Then got banned by the hackers. :l kinda stinks that hackers ruin everyones fun tbh