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About Therow

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  • Interests
    Gaming / Geology.

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  • Bio
    I tried to be a doctor, a real medical doctor. The kind of person that gave transfusions, bandages and food for nothing in return. Reality has taken a hard twist. Now I only fill shallow graves with corpses i need to hide otherwise I let their bodies bleach in the sun.
  1. Therow

    -|VICIOUS|- Group of friends

    Lack of reading can get you killed... like driving through a live fire military testing range... NEVER done that before... /lie
  2. Therow

    -|VICIOUS|- Group of friends

    Request sent Via skype with the required info attached.
  3. Therow

    LFM Small Bandit Group

    Added you on skype...
  4. Therow

    LFM Small Bandit Group

    You still playing MO? --edit-- maybe a case of mistaken identity?
  5. Therow

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    Is it really about being on a recruit server? Because i always thought that being a bandit was about knowing that somewhere behind a computer desk a servivor was jumping up and down while you danced over their corpse
  6. Therow

    Dear bandits, is this 'evil?'

    I was sitting on a building in little ol' Electro with my tiny Enfield to kill me some players. I spot a guy running along the hillside towards my location so i crouch from my proned position and start shooting at him. Keep in mind i cant hit the side of a barn -- I'm about 8 days old and just getting the hang of actually getting to an enfield. He runs around zig-zagging and i dump a whole magazine before i lose him in the treeline / buildings of the town. I prone back down and continue looking for players. Soon did i realize he climbed the ladder to my building. I pop up and start shooting but this time he was ready and let his AK-74 rip. We bounced around for a while, missing eachother -- me because i suck at aiming and him because i had actual cover (hurray for chest high walls!). In the end we decided over directional voice chat that it would be best not to waste any more ammo quoting the guy, "This isn't getting us anywhere". He climbed the ladder and was chummy for a while. I thought about shooting him in the head. Turned out i did hit him once and he was really low on health. So what did I do? I gave him a blood transfusion. He hung around for a while waiting for more players that never came. He left. I thought about shooting him in the head just as he was logging out. But he did log out with all his face intact. That was my story.
  7. Therow

    11th recruiting

    Would it be frowned upon if i joined TS without registering or contacting burky45? I'm interested in joining a group of people but I'm new to the steam thing and don't really understand it. The forums require i give an email and while i could make one just for that forum application i would much rather just join TS right out of the gate. Let me know if its cool or not!
  8. I'm semi-new to Dayz but so far I have been able to take care of myself. I'm not looking for handouts and i work well with others. I like ranged engagments such as sniper or suppression roles but i have room for lots of improvment. I know that there are trust boundaries that need to be crossed but honestly if i get ganked its not a big deal. I'll get it all back eventually anyway. Just looking for a Clan / group of players i can hang with and learn more about the game. Hope someone is interested and expectently looking forward to playing with more than just myself.
  9. Thanks for the consideration.
  10. Therow

    Is hacking always this bad?

    Every major city in every server low population or not lately that i go too has some hacker that sets the entire place on fire and kills everyone instantly. Worst luck ever.
  11. I highly recommend using the first Lee Enfield you find on zombies in a major town. It'll beef up your How-to on dodging zombo's real fast.
  12. Must be 18 or older - 23 Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too - California -8GMT : I play at varying international time zones such as UK prime times etc. Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning - I find and use the things that kill people all on my own like a big boy. :) We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers - Occasionally i jump a server to play with a friend or two on his home turf. Must have played the game preferably for at least a month or for more than a week at the least - 8 days. I'm self sufficient. Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are - I know how to use a map. Have yet to really go farther than starry though. I'm able to find my way around pretty well though and i work great in team compositions. Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both - I do have both but i prefer teamspeak because as far as i know there is no push to talk in skype XD Extra-- Just looking for some great guys to fill out my dayz experience. Hope you guys will give me a shot.