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About darklight7

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Colorado, USA
  • Interests
    Hardcore Gaming, Snowboarding, Paintball, DayZ(listed because it's so much more than a game), Skydiving, Playing Guitar, Drums, Bass, Keyboard, Violin and any other musical instrument..
  1. darklight7

    Helicopter Gunfight Video

    I'm not disrespecting anyone man, I'm only laughing at the scenario.. Though they are unpleasant, I have already accepted the fact that there's nothing I, personally, can do about hackers when I face them.. But I will never go down without a fight.. That situation would have given me quite the adrenaline rush, as I would have done the same as 'Pyro NJ' and try to get a few pop shots off at the hacker before I, Inevitably, got torn to shreds by that M240..
  2. darklight7

    Fallujah Reference Map

    That's precisely why I threw one together.. Glad it helped someone.. :)
  3. darklight7

    Helicopter Gunfight Video

    HAHA! That's crazy man!!
  4. darklight7

    Fallujah Reference Map

    Thanks guys.. I'm in process of making a perfected one.. This one was just a "Proof-Of-Concept" rough draft.. Now that i know that the DayZ Community wants one, i'll do my best to perfect it without the flaws and re-post it.. Post all the co-ords of the loot-able buildings you find so i can add them.. I't would take me forever to search every building in Fallujah for this loot map i'm making.. But if i have the help of the DayZ Community, we together can finish this map..
  5. darklight7

    Fallujah Reference Map

    Thanks guys.. I'm in process of making a perfected one.. This one was just a "Proof-Of-Concept" rough draft.. Now that i know that the DayZ Community wants one, i'll do my best to perfect it without the flaws and re-post it.. Post all the co-ords of the loot-able buildings you find so i can add them.. I't would take me forever to search every building in Fallujah for this loot map i'm making.. But if i have the help of the DayZ Community, we together can finish this map.
  6. 80 Vehicles!! 40 Slots!! 1 Goal.. Survive!! Come Join us in some Desert Zombie Killing Fun!! :D p.s. hackers will be banned
  7. http://nextlook.com/public/196/0/photo.shtml?idx=0&of=1 50+ screenshots later, I finally pieced together a zoom-able, reference map.. I apologize for the inconsistency, the many flaws and the messiness.. I have not been able to find a Fallujah reference map yet, so I took the liberty to create a rough draft.. I marked a few loot points that I've seen or heard about.. If you have any more co-ords to add please let me know and I will add them and update the map.. Hope this helps someone or saves someone time..
  8. darklight7

    Fallujah Reference Map

    http://nextlook.com/...html?idx=0&of=1 50+ screenshots later, I finally pieced together a zoom-able, reference map.. I apologize for the inconsistency, the many flaws and the messiness.. I have not been able to find a Fallujah reference map yet, so I took the liberty to create a rough draft.. I marked a few loot points that I've seen or heard about.. If you have any more co-ords to add please let me know and I will add them and update the map..
  9. I'm relatively new to the server side of things. I just rented a server from Vilayer and I didn't see an exe anywhere in the ACP-Layer Control Panel and when I used the RCon Client and typed "start", nothing happened. Any tips for a no0b?
  10. I installed the new map "Fallujah" and when i actually spawned on the server i received a message saying "you are running wrong version of dayz_code". all the servers i located are all running dayz 1.0 and i have the current. Where can i find DayZ version 1.0 so that i can enjoy this new map? Or is there another way without downgrading versions?
  11. darklight7

    Supermarkets in Takistan?

    Where would i find a map in Takistan, being that there are no supermarkets?
  12. darklight7

    Supermarkets in Takistan?

    oh ok.. thanks for the info, so i dont spend hours of my life looking for one.. :P
  13. Being that there are no loot maps for Takistan yet, I was wondering if there are any supermarkets in Takistan? I have yet to come across one. If there are, which towns are they in?
  14. darklight7


    oh gotcha.. thanks PyroXfire.. I was just curious.. :)
  15. darklight7


    When is the new update going to be released? that will allow female ghillie suit..