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About blaxar

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  1. I'm hvaing the issue. I've done every suggestion mentioned above. Now the first time i launched the game. The cmd prompt said it succefully installed. And I didn't wait for it to auto close. So I exited out of it. Now, i've tried all these tips posted and cant get it to work. Any other suggestions.
  2. blaxar

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Just another update. I have no problems with any update. I will play it no matter what they do cause its fun. Thats all that matters.
  3. I have just recently tried playing DayZ I44 and when I do its extremely buggy. I only get 14fps (not recording) compared to all the other mods I get 30-60fps while recording. The tab menu will constantly flicker it i use the steam overlay to send a msg to a friend or after i go into my gear. The only way to get rid of the tab menu is if I alt - tab. My PC has no problem running arma or any of the other mods. Its only on this one. I herd that if you delete the CBA_CO folder is suppose to fix it. But a devloper of I44 said that deleting that folder is not good and that they will not support anyone who deletes CBA. Can anyone please help.
  4. blaxar

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Great patch. The best part is the Crossbow quiver. I have a friend on my team who is beast with the crossbow in game. And we are always having to find more bolts for him cause sometimes the arrows wont allow him to pick them up. Now that he can hold 6 bolts for inventory slot is epic. There's two other things they need to modify. Make it so we dont have to get rid of our side arm or put it in our backpack to use the flashlight and allow us to switch to melee weapons view scroll wheel menu. If i have to wait til SA for this fine. But please fix those two issues. I realize those 2 things may be a problem with arma. But im sure the programmers can do something to modify that.
  5. I agree. Also, if they think your saying "daisy" then your saying to fast. Say it with a slight pause in between Day and Z. I've never been asked or questioned by anyone thinking that I'm talking about a plant.
  6. blaxar

    DayZ Mod Update

    Ever since this update I can no longer Gut any animals. Anyone else having the same problem.
  7. blaxar

    DayZ Mod Update

    Another feature DayZ needs to add to the settings is where you can press a button and your character will Auto Run
  8. blaxar

    DayZ Mod Update

    The one thing i wish they would add is if someone Alt-F4s then their character will immediately die. Im tired of cowards who get killed and they just alt f4 so their body cant be looted.
  9. blaxar

    BattlEye initialization failed

    I've been having the same propblem. I've done the everything Unrustled Jimmy's has done and I've tried replacing the .DLL file. And I still cant join DayZ. I keep getting Kicked cause Battleye is not responding. The download mission gets stuck at 0KB /0KB before being kicked. I have everything installed (dayz) through SiX Launcher. When that didn't work, I tried Commander and that also doesnt work. I have Every Arma 2 DLC installed too. I've done everything to the point of wiping out every game and reformatting my hDD and still have the same problem. Please help.
  10. blaxar

    Battleye client not responding

    I am having the same problem. I have not been able to play dayZ for several months. I have done the following Uninstalling and reinstalling everything. Reinstall Battleye Downloaded the most recent .dll file for Battleye Opened the ports in port forwarding and nothing works. Is there anything else that can fix this issue. I use DayZ Commander and everything is up to date. Please help, I really want to play dayZ. The game worked a long time ago. And when I had to stop playing it for school. I tried playing it again during the summer and it just stopped working with the BattlEye not responding problem. And i get stuck at the receiving mission at 0kb / 0kb.
  11. Thatnks for the suggestions. But i want to stick to a game thats new. I hate cod, i got burned out of that game from consoles. Ive also played bf3 on consoles. Counter strike maybe. But right now dayz has my attention. Note, im not a kid. im 24yrs old. I want to play dayz. PS. thank you to all those who have given me tips on where i need to go. I appreciate it. I will be trying again tonight once my niece and nephew go to bed tonight.
  12. Ill make this clear. Im not a kid. Im just new to the game. Fine they may never give us a starting weapon. I didn't come here to be insulted, called, lazy, told that i shouldn't be playing this game. What most people do if they are not dicks to new players if offer some advice. Some have and I appreciate it. I plan to keep trying. But for all you people who just want to insult me than your the problem why people cant enjoy a game. Everyone is new to a game at some point. people like me have full time jobs, niece and nephews to take care of because their parents where killed. So we dont have the pleasure in spending 12 hrs a do to play games. But when we od have a chance to play games for a few hrs. Then we go ask for some help. Even though i made have worded it wrong. it doens't invite you people to be complete dicks.
  13. ive tried looking for youtube videos for tips and how to get loots. But the only videos i find are just people playing and they already have a ton of weapons and talking to their friends. If you can at least post a video that im not finding that has tips on where i need to go thatd be helpful. again. Ive tried iusing the dayzfb map and can never live long enough to figure out where on the map im currently at without dying.
  14. I have used the dayzdb map. I always spawn on the beach and have no ideo where on the map i am. By the time i might have an idea of where Im at i cant even alt tab long enough to check the map for loot places. because I cannot find a way to avoid them. Ive tried just running. and I end up having about 10 zombies behind me. For me to stop long enough to open a door, get inside, turn around, to try and close a door, Im either getting hit or a zombie was able to get inside and kill me.
  15. I am just now starting in with DayZ. When I found out there was no starting weapon since the last update. I was like wtf. But hey maybe i can find a gun sooner than people could with a starting gun. But nope I was wrong. After 4hrs I died 5 times. My last life was an hr long because anytime i could actually see a zombie i just crawled. But no matter how far I stayed away from zombies and out of the 5 buildings i went into there was no gun. After about 45 mintues I died and had no defense. Removing the gun is the worst thing they did. Im new to the game and pc gaming. I have no friends who are playing Day Z and cant get far enough to meet anyone. I need a gun and i can never find one. I dont know how much longer i can hold out on this game if theres no chance in survival. There must be a gun to start off with so us new people have a chance. I've also read that the reason why they took it out because of Beach Greafing or something like that. I have no clue what that is but there is an easy solution. When you spawn dont put people on the beach. Put them in a safe area where they have a gun. And then once they leave that safe area they are in the world danger. I wouldn't care if i got sniped. Because if there was an apocolypse yeah, people will kill people because its survival. If they put a limit to the distance someone can snipe then that'd probably help too. Im to the point that ive waisted my money on not only the game but by trading 8 console games in hope that dayz would be awesome. But now it seams like i wasted my money and games because there is no chance at all in survival without a starting gun. And the is no way to get out far enough in the world to meet people because your having to crawl your way through towns to have a 1% chance in a gun being in any building out of an entire town. while you have an 80% chance in dieing. So please devs. Bring back a starting gun. that is the only way us new players will have a chance. Especially when we have no friends and dont even have a chance to survive long enough to meet strangers.